Monday, May 15, 2006

a fabulous workshop week!

I can't believe it's gone so quickly -- seems I just got here and now I've said goodbye to old and new friends. (Of course, now I am sitting in the KC airport because the flight home is delayed for two hours due to what is allegedly 'weather' over Newark. This is the third time I have been stranded in this airport: the first two times I headed for the bar and drank margaritas till the plane boarded. Today, I am not in the mood. But I can blog.) The hospitality in Lawrence, KS is amazing. Jette Clover and I stayed with Sharon Bass, who is a warm and wonderful hostess. She entertained us royally and made us feel completely at home. Dinners together with Sharon, Karen Stiehl Osborn, Linda Frost, and others were lively and fun. It was especially good to see Jette and have time to catch up.

Jette taught the first day of the workshop, Monoprinting: Less is More. I taught day two - Layering Text & Images: More is More. We complemented each other as she taught restraint and working with a light hand, and I taught a variety of ways to add text and/or images to the monoprinted background.

We were flattered that people had come from such distances: Leslie Jenison came from San Antonio, Karen Stiehl Osborn drove from Omaha, and one person drove for about 10 hours to get here from western Kansas. Yikes! This is a BIG state. In 10 hours, I can drive from NJ to Michigan or from NJ to Maine. On the other hand, 20 miles here = 20 minutes on he road. 20 miles at home can take an hour or more, depending on time of day. Our flight is now even more delayed, so I will get to the workshops in my next post.

1 comment:

jenclair said...

Looks as if everyone had a great time! Neat juxtapositioning in your workshop titles and contents; the best of both worlds...

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...