Wednesday, December 07, 2011

almost wordless Wednesday - Part I

Some photos from my day in NY over the weekend.  Am in Brooklyn chasing Emma, no time to blog!
This installation was going up in the Port Authority.
The guy with the hat on the bike started to drive away just as I snapped his picture.  A typical NY street shot from the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market on 39th St. behind the Port Authority.
Caught in the act!  A guerilla artist at work.

More when I get back from taking the kid to music class...


Mia Bloom Designs said...

Love the pictures! Especially the guerilla artist that was caught in the act.

Dianne Koppisch Hricko said...

Rayna and wordless, two opposing concepts. Thanks for sharing.

Judy said...

I had to chuckle when I saw your title for this post: "almost wordless" - yep, that's you Sweetheart! LOL

Emma is going to music classes? How great is that!! I am going to start Charlie in art classes at the High Museum when he is 18 months.....I can't wait! He will have an overnight at the condo and then he and I will go to class in the morning! ;-) I'm so glad that the High offers this, and that we can take advantage of it!

Enjoy your special time with Emma!


soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...