I have barely had time to sew but needed to do something creative, so I decided to take a string piece that has been sitting around for yonks and give it the light of day. As usual, it had been an experiment:an idea I thought (at the time) was worth pursuing. This one didn't work very well and when I dragged it out this morning and took a photo, I knew it was due for triage.
I trimmed all the blocks to the same size (5") and tried another arrangement without sewing them together.

Down they came. Then I wondered what if I put space between the small units and played with a sort-of alternate grid? I arranged and rearranged, and here is what is on my wall now. I still needs more negative space around it, but basically, it's done. I think I'll stick a fork in it. What do you think?
Of course, once I sew the pieces together the whole thing will get smaller and may change a bit - but that's okay. It can't be worse than the first version! But I think I may let it percolate for another day, just in case.