Friday, September 29, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
I forgot to tell you

I've been very grouchy since I got home from the mountains and I believe it is because I have been doing endless paperwork and tending to business since I've been here. It dawned on me today that I desperately need to do some creative work -- so I threw some fabric into a dyepot and hoped for the best. As usual, it is far from the best (pictures after I wash the fabric) -- but it will be fine after I add some layers.
Finally unpacked and am waiting for my box of teaching supplies to come back tomorrow so I can empty the carton and put the stuff into the suitcase. I also spent part of today cleaning up the studio so I could walk in without stubbing my toe on cartons of stuff. Ouch! But somehow, I manage to have lost my 256k compact flash card. I bought a 1 gig to supplement it, but now whatever was on there is gone - unless it turns up.
The kitchen sink is leaking and we are having puddles on the floor, so can't use the faucets or dishwasher. Swell. We're eating on paper and plastic and I just hope the plumber calls me back tomorrow.
In the meantime, I stopped at the farm to buy vegetables and bought a few mums, asters, and other things to brighten the fading garden. Of course, now I will have to wsh the lettuce in the powder room sink...a not very appetizing prospect. I think we'll skip the salad for the time being. Happy Autumn to all, and a Happy, Healthy New Year to some of you.Friday, September 22, 2006
the paving of Colorado

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Good grief, I am SUCH a sap when it comes to memory and the past.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
up for air

And below, Lili Christensen with hers.
Sheryll Robbins with her small piece.Below, Franchi Rosenfeld's piece.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Q&A and Denver

Saturday, September 09, 2006
a bundle in the mail
Sonji's Bundle Study #62 which I bought as soon as I saw it at Ayers Loft in Lowell last month. It is already on my studio art wall, brightening up the place. I can see that one of these days it will be time to redo the wall and reorganize my collection. On that wall, in addition to my own work and now, Sonji Hunt's,are pieces by Nikki Bonnett, Linda Colsh, Claire Fenton, Helene Davis, Laura Cater-Woods, Marlene Cohen, and Jette Clover. Karen Stiehl Osborne is in a different room...and I have some yummy postcards by other artists that I have to find a place for. In the meantime, it is a feast for the eyes.
I took down one of my own pieces, Luxury Lofts, so I could hang the Bundle: It is one of my favorites, which is image transfer and paint on canvas. Marty loves it and is going to take it into his office so he can look at it every day. Ok. A change of scene is good for everybody - and I don't want to ever sell that piece, so it's ok.
We all have pieces we don't want to part with, for whatever reason. The other piece I don't want to sell is Anniversary Waltz. don't ask me why - I just love that piece. It's 8"x8" and just moves me. Do you have pieces you can't part with? Which ones, and why? It's the why that is so interesting: if you really think about it, you might gain some insights.Thursday, September 07, 2006
silk purse
I had dyed some fabric, which came out great except for the green blobs which mysteriously appeared. I seem to have a knack for these things, don't I? So, when I spent the afternoon on the deck yesterday screening with thickened dyes, these were the perfect foils for my experiments. I ripped the fabric into pieces and went to work. Above, the original.
The first pass was with thickened dyes which had dried in the screen. Notice how the green blobs seem to recede in the face of the overprinting. Better? Well, certainly not worse.
This is what I call "impromptu screen printing because once you let the dye dry in the screen, you can print on a moment's notice. Kerr Grabowski, who introduced me to the process, calls it 'deconstructed screen printing' --and Leslie Morgan & Claire Benn call a similar process "breakdown printing."
On the second pass, more of the dye came out and I think it is gets yummier and more interesting than the first time 'round.
You can't even see the green blobs. Of course,if you are a conservative person, you might not be happy with the impromptu, unpredictable result. You don't have a lot of control over what happens.The third time around, I threw some thiox into the mix to see what would happen. This is what happened.
The last time around, I used only discharge past to go through the screen and the color of the fabric changed completely.
Ok, so now you see it all. (Of course, I have spent the last hour trying to upload one of the pictures and getting very frustrated with Blogger -- but it's done). An interesting exercise, from which I learned what I should do differently next time around. If I can remember - LOL.
BTW - the shoulder is better today -- thanks to Missy for advice and to all of you for your empathetic responses. The fingers are back to normal, too. Or what passes for normal around here. Now I need to address myself to some paperwork and the requisite 9:pm cup of tea and the last two biscotti.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
remember these?

One of the phone calls today was from my friend Barbara in Atlanta. I'm going to stay with her when I am there teaching Soy Wax Batik at Fiber on a Whim, Oct 11-12. Apparently, there has been a lot of buzz about the workshop there, so if you live within driving distance of Atlanta and want to sign up for the workshop, I think there are still a couple of spots left.
I am going to rinse out my fabric and make a cup of tea and will be back with an update if there is anything worth posting a picture of - LOL.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
what I learned today

4. Clorox gel can turn the fabric a lovely shade of orange that lightens when you wash it.
5. Thiox turns the fabric yet another color.
6. I liked most of the fabrics better before I washed them.
Enough for today: tomorrow I am on vacation - lunch out with our kids and dinner out at our neighbor's. What could be bad? Hope you enjoy your Labor Day, too.
Friday, September 01, 2006
I promised
soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

Welcome to the New Jersey stop on the American Made Brand blog tour! Be sure to leave a comment -- you could win a pack of beautiful solid...
You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...