I mentioned a while ago that I was invited to redesign New Jersey's license plate, along with 49 others who were invited to redesign their own states' license plates using AMB's gorgeous solids (grown and made in the U.S.) It's been fun to see what the other participants have done - and now it's my turn.
I had a lot of fun redesigning NJ's boring straw-colored license plate with the black letters. Ugly, yes, but when the state tried to improve it with a pretty blue plate and straw letters, it was so low contrast that it was difficult to read. So back to the straw and black one. I understand that new ones won't even have raised letters -- just printed ones. Cheaper. Uglier. Bah!
NJ used to be known for its truck farms; where I grew up, there were farms all around. There was a dairy farm in town where we went for ice cream -- and it is still there, although I'm not sure about the cows. Applegate Farm had wonderful ice cream and my father would always let me get a double dip cone. What a treat!
Where my kids grew up, there were farms in town. All of these are housing developments now and the last working farm in my county was sold last year.
But there are still farms in other parts of the state, and this state is famous for one particular food, which is still being grown - in farms, in gardens, and on patios. And you can find Jersey Fresh produce in farmers' markets all over the place. So I've changed the tag line and brightened up the license plate with something delicious!
Many people who drive through this state from north to south see the industrial landscape, which many think is ugly. I think it is beautiful; I love the grit.

and this view when I take the train into NY.
If you're going to Atlantic City, you can drive through NJ's treasured, unspoiled Pine Barrens (where our governor wants to run an oil pipeline). ARGH.
The landmark Tick Tock Diner has been around forever and I pass it frequently on route 3.
We stopped watching the program because it became too violent for our taste, so we never saw the final episode that took place in Holsten's ice cream parlor. That was the place to go after the movies, for an ice cream soda or sundae. I spent many evenings there as a teenager; Marty and I used to go there for ice cream once in a while and I passed by it last night on the way to the Greek restaurant down the street. It's just a regular place with a soda fountain, great hot fudge sundaes, good chocolates -- and it hasn't changed in 60 years.
Please leave a comment and tell me what comes to mind when you think of New Jersey! I'll randomly draw a number later this week, based on how many comments there are and you could be the lucky winner! Besides, I'd love to hear your take on my home state!
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»I had forgotten all about Applegate Farms and Holstens. It was a real and unusual treat to go out for ice cream or anything when we were growing up. Thanks for the reminders. Do you remember the peach orchards?
Thanks for sharing. Where I grew up were all strawberry fields, and dairy farms. Now it is housing development for as far as the eye can see. I had never heard the term truck farm until I met my hubby. Our home was originally built pre civil war by his great, great grandparents and in the later years was a truck farm too.
I live right across the NJ/PA border so I know some of NJ's beauty. And I can't wait til Jersey tomatoes start coming in!
You've sold me - next time we come to the States, guess NJ is on the list. I live in Queensland, Australia & we have a saying "Beautiful one day, perfect the next!" - that's the state I live in.
Well, I have to admit that the thing that comes to mind when I think about New Jersey is an old joke about toxic dumps. But as a kid in Wisconsin, I always thought that the Jersey cow was somehow re-invented there, hence the "new" jersey. The name "truck farm" has evolved into "farmers markets" here and in Wisconsin, they are everywhere this time of year. That would be my one wish for everyone, that they be able to walk to a farmers market and see gorgeous produce at reasonable prices. We all need to eat fresh. Thanks for sharing your state with us.
spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com
Great photos, Rayna. I was born and raised in NJ, and my parents still live there, in Elizabeth. So, you don't have to do any convincing for me, LOL! The opening credits of the Sopranos had a clip of the Turnpike exit for Elizabeth. I had those blue license plates years ago and still have one hanging on my studio wall. Thanks for counting me in.
I guess I've always thought of New Jersey being just like downstate NY and NYC, but now I have that wonderful image of my favorite fruit/vegetable - tomatoes. I think I'll just dwell on that, cause I'm a country girl at heart!
I loved your tour of Jersey, thanks. Mostly when I think of your state I picture the farmland. Your plate is perfect.
I don't really have first hand knowledge of New Jersey. But I can sympathize with living in a state with an image problem since I live in Kentucky. It seems that many people think Kentucky is a state full of uneducated hillbillies. While there is some of that, like anywhere, it's really not an accurate representation of the state as a whole. Thanks for sharing some of your state's good features!
I'm sorry... it's Bon Jovi, who comes to my mind when I think about NJ ;-) and I'm not even a fan...
You showed beautiful pics, I'm sure it's a beautful state
When I think of Jersey, I think of farms and countryside- like the Caliphon area or shopping-like the stores off 17 in the Paramus area.Jersey makes me think of great bagels,like the ones you get in the Budd Lake area.
Never have I heard a lovelier ode to New Jersey! I have to admit, I have always suffered from much of the country's snottier view of the state, but since I met my current (and final!) husband, whose grandparents had an apparently amazingly pbeautiful lace in the country around Princeton (they were neighbours of the Lindbergs - what was that place called?), I have improved my outlook.
I've been enjoying your travel adventures as I recover from back surgery.
I've driven through NJ on my way to
New England so I saw mostly the "gritty" side. Like your "improved" plate-- I hadn't know about the tomatoes!
We have friends from NJ, they come to mind first
Thanks for the tour (and improved view) of a state I've never visited. All that produce had my mouth watering- beats CC and toxic waste any day!
Good morning Rayna,
Your NJ license plate looks so edible:) I only think of the shore, depicted by friend from Trenton, as I've never visited NJ.
Thank you for the opportunity to win fabrics GROWN and MADE in America.
PS I just checked out a book from my quilt guild and guess what--its title is Create your own Free Form quilts! Thank you for your inspiration within.
My parents used to take me to Atlantic Beach when I was little. Left the frozen north many years ago, but I still remember the blue sand
Thanks for the tour. I've never been to New Jersey so really enjoyed learning more about it. I just knew it was one of the states "up north".
Good Morning! I'm glad to say that your post today changed my opinion of New Jersey - I've never been there but always heard things about New Jersey that were not flattering! But it seems there is a rainbow beneath all those remarks!
Fun report on your state and the block is super cute. When I think of New Jersey, Atlantic City and the Shore come to mind. Have a great day and thanks for sharing.
I was born in Newark and lived in Cranford till I was 8, when we moved to Florida. With all the family memories I have of NJ -- my mom grew up in Elizabeth, my dad in Newark, and family still lives in various parts -- my heart remains in NJ. Forty-seven years later, I still have some of the Jersey accent to prove it!
When I think of New Jersey, I think of the beach! I've driven through New Jersey several times.
oneoldgoat1962 at gmail dot com
I always think of the Parkway, Shop Rite grocery stores, S. Kleins, and Thomas Edison when I think of NJ. I grew up about in Iselin right down the street from Edison.
My first trip to NJ was on my honeymoon. We first stopped in Philadelphia and then went to Wildwood, but I don't remember where we ended up staying. My x-husband now spent his service in the Navy in Philadelphia. We then went back when my son was 6 1/2 so he could see the ocean.
I think now when I think of your state-your governor comes to mind-lol and the beaches. I would love to check out NJ some day Kathy
I really didn't know much about New Jersey until this post. You made it look like a lovely place to visit. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
As I'm originally from CT, We're very familiar with NJ and your lovely shoreline. Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks for your tour of NJ. Hard to believe that I've never been there and I live not that far away, in CT. When I hear 'NJ', I think of two friends, one when I lived in RI and one when I lived in FL, who came from NJ. There's nothing better than thinking of old friends!
I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks.
I think of music when I think of Jersey - Jersey Boys, Sinatra.....
When we were in high school my dad's job wanted to transfer him to New Jersey and we were all so upset.
I like the colors of your license plate much better! Good job.
Well, what immediately comes to my mind is my dear friend who moved to NJ a few years (from CA)--I miss her!
My first thought was farms. Thanks for all of the information about your state! Great improvement on the plate!
I'll be honest, while I have actually been to New Jersey so know more than its TV image, the Jersey Shore is still the first thing that comes to mind when I think NJ.
The first thing I think is New Joi-see...you know, the accent! Do people in NJ say it straight or with the accent? NJ is such a tiny state but your pictures tell the real story...it has lots to see and do!!!
Sign me up!
I asked my sister if we could go to Coney Island on my next visit. What could two old ladies do but walk on the boardwalk, eat a hot dog and say that we'd been there?
Seriously, I'm thinking that March might be a nice time to visit, in time for the Empire Quilt Guild show.
When I think of NJ, I remember how small a state it is compared to the ones out west. When we moved to NJ I couldn't believe how fast you can drive thru it. Maps don't compute when Oregon and NJ get the same size pages.
I was surprised the state plate had no color being the Garden state! But yours is perfect! I have never been to NJ and other than the boardwalk, have heard hardly anything about it..but isn't NJ where Cake Boss is located? I do watch that!
cherisblog at yahoo dot com
I think of Princeton when I think of New Jersey. It is one of my teenager's fantasy colleges.
What a wonderful tour! I've never been to NJ and only have a media image in my mind. I appreciate the insider view. I really like how thorough your overview is. It has inspired me to want to go "down shore" too. Thank you!
What a wonderful tour! I've never been to NJ and only have a media image in my mind. I appreciate the insider view. I really like how thorough your overview is. It has inspired me to want to go "down shore" too. Thank you!
as a Long islander nothing much good comes to mind about NJ :) Atlantic City.. OK.. the shore.. OK.. but not those horrible make a right to make a left turn things!!!
NJ makes me think of a roommate I had in college from NJ!
I think of the wonderful tomatoes and cantelope and the beaches. And home. I grew up there and remember all those little farms too. What a treat to go and buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Very cute license plate too.
I've never visited New Jersey but it is on my "to go" list. If nothing more I want to go to Holsten's! All I can think of is "Jersey Boys"! Thanks for the tour, a lovely plate, and great giveaways.
I fear your state gets more than it's share of negative publicity. It is nice to see the real side of NJ from a real resident. Nice block ;)
Hello from Minnesota! I love your post with the good and the gritty. :) I've been to NJ once for a concert but didn't really get to see anything else so the picture in my mind is from reading "Are You There God, It's me Margaret" when I was young. (My introduction to the suburbs.) :)
I grew up in the suburbs of Phila and have fond memories of driving down to the shore and stopping at the veggie/fruit stands along the way!
thanks for the memories
I grew up in the suburbs of Phila and have fond memories of driving down to the shore and stopping at the veggie/fruit stands along the way!
thanks for the memories
The Jersey Shore comes to my mind, I didn't know much about your state and enjoyed all the information you shared.
When I think of New Jersey I think about how I would love to visit the East Coast. Now after reading this I know I would love to visit and go to some of those beautiful sites.
I have never been to your state of New Jersey, but I learned so much by reading your post. I love the outdoors so enjoyed your photos, looks like a lot of diversity in NJ. Traveling the east coast in our 5th wheel is definitely on our list, all the way from CA! Your license plate is very refreshing too!
I think of Bon Jovi when I think of New Jersey! The kid rocker must still be left inside of my getting older body. I've always wanted to see the Jersey Shore but have spent very little time there-I'm a west coast baby! Love your plate.
If I remember correctly, the Stephanie Plum novels take place in Jersey. I really enjoyed the crazy humor.
I love your license plate. I'm not familiar with New Jersey, although I lived in Westchester County, NY 1960-64. I wish we had more farms here, but although NM is the land of enchantment, most of the ground is not really conducive to farming. Thanks for the giveaway!
The shore comes to mind for me. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi from Wisconsin... I used to work for a guy who was originally from Bloomfield NJ but worked in Manhattan, so when I think of New Jersey I think of Lou! But I love the city names: Pasaic, Elizabeth, Hoboken, Bayonne!
When I think of NJ, I remember going to visit some cousins and playing Marco Polo in their neighborhood pool!
Great photos. I have had the opportunity to visit your state and the Jersey shoreline.
Like your license plate.
We've done the NJ Lighthouse Challenge a couple of times, and seen the beauty of NJ. I love Ocean Grove, and Cape May. Thanks for a chance to win! I didn't realize that NJ was famous for tomatoes.
thanks for the tour of NJ. I like your license plate design. I guess when i think of NJ, I think of the seashore.
I am a west coast girl (Oregon) who has never visited the east coast. We say I'm headed to the coast!
Inspirational post. I've had many friends from NJ. I love the greenery, the small country roads, the fresh vegetables and fruits, but most of all - all the friendly people from NJ.
When I think of NJ I think of Pizza and family... been there often, but now that my brother is moving probably won't be back much.
I really don't know much about New Jersey. It was fun to be introduced to your state. Thanks so much!
Your tour of New Jersey was a nostalgic one for me as it sounds much like my childhood in a small town outside of Boston....wish those Ice Cream places existed where I live now in NM. Loved your plate as tomatoes are my favorite veg...
When I think of New Jersey I think of friends from college and visiting them long ago.
Living in WA state, I don't know anything about your home state of NJ, but that ice cream shop looks tempting. I know of one in Spokane that I could take you to if you visit the "dry side" of WA. Love the pix of San Diego too. I used to live there in another lifetime.
I went to college in Central Pennsylvania. Many of my classmates were from New Jersey. I had the pleasure of visiting them all over your great state. The farmers market near Cherry Hill was a highlight. Your plate captures it perfectly.
Really, the first thing that came to mind is the NJ accent, and the upbeat people I have met from Jersey. Enjoyed learning from you a bit more about the state! Love that sign at the farm stand!
Do you have a pattern for your NJ license plate? Or am I a blind bat?
My first thought about New Jersey is "that's where my good friend Debbie lives"!
I agree - your license plate is a big improvement on the blah real one!
The first real vacation that my family took when I was a child was to Wildwood, NJ. Money was tight, and we didn't get to do it very often, so it was memorable. So when I think of NJ, I think of the shore!
I have a second cousin who lives in Ho Ho Kus. I have been to Atlantic City one time, but can't say I enjoyed it, but that has more to do with the casinos than anything else. I'd probably enjoy Holstens very much.
When I hear New Jersey, I think of the beach and Snookie (never saw the show, but the media crammed her into your brain so you would know who she was).
I always think about Atlantic City and the Jersey Shore. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Great license plate! Mainly, when I think of NJ I think of Chris Christy. Now I have other things that will come to mind when it comes to your state. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Usually when I think of New Jersey I think of Cake Boss or Chris Christie - but I know it must be called the Garden State for a reason! I have been to the Shore long ago and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for your tour!
I really like your license plate. Good job! When I think of New Jersey, I think of people speaking with accents totally different that what I hear in the midwest. LOL Cynthia cknapp3626@sbcglobal.net
Thank you for sharing New Jersey with us. Unfortunately TV shows come to mind when I hear New Jersey. Jersylicious and Jersey Shore.
First thing to come to mind, was spending a couple of weeks at my godmother's house in Fairfield, NJ when I was young. Thanks
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
Well I definitely didn't think of New Jersey as a tomato state. I only know NJ from the media, and they sure don't paint a good picture. I don't have TV but the written news is always talking about corruption in your state.
First thing that comes to mind is the garden state. Not sure if you have lots of gardens though
It sounds like a great place for you to grow up! I never realized there were so many truck farms there. I know that I would love to go to the diner! Your block looks great!
I grew up in Hunterdon County, so I have so many NJ memories. The first thing that came to mind was chasing fireflies at twilight and putting them in a jar! We don't have fireflies in WA, I miss them.
My NJ relatives now live near Philly for one and northern for the other. Spent many vacations in Atlantic City - great family times.
The only thing I remember about NJ is the ride from Phoenixville PA to NJ. My brother-in-law said 'oh it's only 20 minutes away!' . . . he lied!! Love your block though - it makes me hungry!
Farms and gardens, it is the garden state. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
I live in Southern California and what comes to mind about New Jersey is your governor and the bridge that was closed and caused such a big problem for a lot of people.
I lived in Atlantic City when I was a kid so I think of that!
I lived in western NY for 30+ years and visited the NJ shore once. I got the worst sunburn of my life there but the beach was great. My niece loved living in NJ and even though she has lived in several states now if asked where she'd like to live, her answer is NJ. I really liked that you showed the hard working life along with the beauty of your state. Those veggies look so tempting. Thanks.
I agree with your take on the blah plates ours here in Texas are even more bland white with black letters. Love how you represented your state. I have been there to Atlantic City and driven though a couple of other times.
I have never been to your state but since grade schoo,l many years ago, I always thought of vegetables and berries when New Jersy was mentioned. Then I met people from there and I am facinated with their accents as I am sure they are of my OK. drawl.
We lived in New Jersey many moons ago and I remember the asparagus fields. Thanks for the giveaway.
It's the Garden State to me. I lived in NYC for 3 years. I love the shore too. Great plate.
I think it deserves it's title of garden state. Being from Pa, I've seen both the good and the not so good.
When I think of New Jersey, the first thing that comes to my mind is the airport at Newark. Nice job on your license plate. Thanks for the giveaway!
info {at} cocoplumbeachhouse {dot} com.
I think of the coast when hear of New Jersey. I would like to see the boardwalk sometime.
I think of Chris Christie! I am proud to say that I've never watched Jersey Shore. Thanks for the giveaway.
I went to graduate school in New Jersey & the summer there was the hottest I'd ever experienced (I've lived in North Carolina for over 40 years now & I didn't know what hot was back then). Thanks.
When I was young, my dad took us camping. I remember the rope swing over the water. The water in the river looked like ice tea. We all thought that was funny. Refreshing.
Went to Trenton, NJ as a kid and I always wonder what it would be like today. Love the license plate and enjoyed the tour. tweetyb936@aol.com
I was a NJer for 35 years and loved Sussex and Warren counties, some of the last places that were rural.
Have never been to NJ. Only thing I can think of about NJ is that it is a small state and it is called the garden stare. I love gardening, are the gardens beautiful there?
I have only driven through NJ. But loved the Spranos.
Watched them all. Thanks for sharing all this info.
When thinking of New Jersey, I think--don't blink or you'll miss it when traveling through (meaning it is so small). I too come from a state (ND) that suffers from an image problem where others think it is cold, snowy and barren (I've been asked, "Do you have electricity or colleges there?") and we think of it as beautiful, peaceful, and fresh. I never knew New Jersey grew tomatoes. I just love the heirloom tomatoes. I'm sure if NJ had a contest to design the next license plate, you'd win hands-down at least if all the quilters went out to vote! Will you be sharing your pattern? I'm making each of the states as I travel through them combining my love of travel with quilting and then combining them into a fabric scrapbook. kthurn@bektel.com
I love your design of the improved plate for your state! I have driven through NJ but might have to stop the next time through! thanks!
I definitely think of Atlantic City because I remember going there with my uncle when our family visited him. I was just a child and quite amazed by all the sights and sounds! Nice block!
Hello,beautiful post! Like to visit your state:New Jersey!
Thanks for sharing!
I've never been to NJ but my friends in PA tell me the shore is nothing like what they show on tv :)
I think of my sister in law, who lives in Jersey!
I think of my sister in law, who lives in Jersey!
New Jersey: the Garden ; Atlantic City ; Bruce Springsteen ; Titusville (we have friends who live there) ; Rutgers and Princeton ; and sadly, the saga of Chris Christie and the George Washington bridge. Like many other states, there's much more to NJ than people's impressions. I know because I'm from western NY which is way different than NYC.
When I lived in Queens, New Jersey was a destination for shopping.
My trips to the east coast took me to New York City, Boston, Providence, Baltimore and Washington D.C.; for me New Jersey is a coastline of beaches and ferris wheels...a story gathered from images in magazines and on television. Your photos and descriptions gave some personality to an unknown world for me today.
Iowa here - when I think of NJ I think of friends we made on a vacation - some of the nicest people I know
I would love to visit NJ. Maybe some day I will
Coming from Long Island, NJ used to bring memories of the horrible smell after you cross the bridge. But now it's where my in-laws live and I have gotten to see how beautiful the state really is!
WOW there is more to New Jersey than i had imagined.
I grew up in NJ and my parents and sisters all still live there. Nice redesigned block!
Thanks for sharing your state with us. Nice license plate. When I think of New Jersey, the first thing to come to my mind is Kelli Rippa. I know she is from there.
Hi Rayna, It's been a few years since Claude and I had our play day with you, but my husband and I spend as much of our summers in Sussex county as we can. The rural area with little development is what I know of New Jersey more than the urban landscape of Essex county. We love it up there!
I love the area around Morristown ~ the rolling hills and the beautiful scenery.
New Jersey will always be the Garden State to me! looking forward to getting back (from ND) for a visit soon ~ tomatoes & corn & peaches & LOTS else will be ripe & at the farm stands then :o)
I had a pen pal in high school (back in the dark ages) who was from New Jersey. We lost touch after I married and she went off to college, but I still think of A.J. when I think of New Jersey. I would love to visit the state but it's rather far from Louisiana, so it will have to be planned carefully if it ever happens.
Louisiana back! I forgot to say how much I like your block. Love those tomatoes. Beautiful applique!
I think your license plate should be adopted by NJ! It's beautiful! The first thing I think of when I hear New Jersey is of Newark. I've had some flights connect through Newark. Thank you for the chance to win!
I have a very dear friend that move to New Jersey after we finished school, so when I think of NJ, I think of her!
Nice job with your block!
I grew up in Philadelphia and spent many hours in my family's car going back and forth to New York to visit grandparents - thereby spending a great deal of time on the New Jersey Turnpike! My main memories are long lines to get to the toll plaza, and the distinct odor of the gas tanks lining the highway. NJ was a place to get THROUGH, and I never got to appreciate its beautiful spots. Maybe someday....
Rayna, I LOVE your tomato-y New Jersey license plate! Very fun! Exclude me from your giveaway, but my fondest memories are being a bridesmaid for a dear friend who's from Northern NJ. Lush forests, lots of deer, and a very fun party! Thanks for participating in our blog tour!
That block sure surprised me, but in such a lovely way! Two things come to mind when I think of New Jersey: 1. Paterson and the wrongful conviction of Hurricane Carter, and 2. my wonderful friends who live in Montclair!
I think of the Jersey Shore. We've had wonderful times there (off season!) sarah@forrussia.org
yum food is great! Greek and chocolate!
my hubby is from Long Island and has lots of family on the Island and NJ, so I've plan on visiting someday.
I've never been to New Jersey and learned a lot about it from your post. Thanks. I guess I knew there were beaches there... or should I say "shore".
I've been to New Jersey several times. I always think of the Jersey Shore and the Turnpike when I think of New Jersey! The blog tour is very interesting I am really enjoying it.
Jersey cows come to mind, but that probably has nothing to do with our state. Love your license plate. Wish I had some of those yummy tomatoes.
Very colorful plate & great job, and when I think of NJ it's Stephanie Plum and Bruce Springsteen! And hurricane Sandy....
Hi Rayna... What a fabulous tour guide you sre... and who knew there were so many treasures in N. J.!! Sure, your state has some really interesting politicians, but the art from NJ is awesome. Thanks for sharing the amazing pictures and LOVE your take on the license plate.
Beautiful block. Music comes to mind...Paul Simon and Bruce Springsteen. Thanks for the reminder of why NJ is called the garden state
Rayna, loved all the NJ pictures! In 1970 when Hurricane Celia destroyed the Hess refinery where my husband worked in Corpus Christi, Texas, he was sent to NJ to look at a transfer there. Then the plan was changed to Mississippi, where I've been happy ever since.
Hi Rayna,
Never thought about New Jersey until I did business with a man from Patterson. He was such a delight to talk to I thought I might like to visit your state. Love your license plate. Arlinda
Thanks for the great tour. I've never been to New Jersey but would like to go to "the shore" someday.
I love your NJ license plate design--truly NJ! I live in South Jersey and it there are also some interesting and quirky things down here. Diners are a true NJ institution. Can't wait to see the fabric.
Can't imagine living anywhere else! Remember...Jersey Girls don't pump gas! :)
I think of a state that is close to New York City. I have never been on the east coast except for Florida. So I don't know much about your state. It sounds like a great place to visit if I ever go east. I live in Michigan and grew up in the western part of our country. I think that your license plate is much prettier than the current version.
When I was 18 I eloped to..........Egg Harbor New Jersey! That's what I think of when I think about New Jersey.
When I think of NJ, I think of you, the beautiful coast I have heard about, the Montclair art museum, where my grands lived for awhile, and the ease of getting to NYC. I wonder about the Princeton area and the western part of the state where I haven't been. I put the disappointing Christie out of my mind. I enjoyed the few Soprano episodes i saw. Now back to quilting!
I, also, have enjoyed your recent trips...you productive soul you.
I remember my dorm mate Lynnie from years ago -- my first friend from New Jersey!
I think of my Aunt when I think of New Jersey because she lived there for years. We loved "going down the shore"!
I live way out west in Idaho - I've never even been to the northeast. Someday, though, I'll be retired and will be a professional RV'er - and New Jersey, as well as the surrounding states, is where we're headed. Can't wait to roll through all the farms, visit the boardwalks and meet new people.
So good to see your pics of NJ. My sister lived on a farm/auto graveyard in New Jersey with her then husband of Jewish descent. For Christmas she had him hoist her up on a crane, she dressed as an angel with a star wand, took a picture which she sent out as Christmas Cards. Then she lived in Edison not too far from my sister-in-law. I remember her lovely garden. So industrial and garden come together for me in NJ. Love, Marlene Glickman in Clearwater, FL
Hi!!! Never been there but I think of it as the garden state!!! I love tomatoes and your license plate looks very delicious!!!!
Thanks for the photo tour of New Jersey, the garden state. What came immediately to mind was, Jon Stewart (of all things!!!), followed by Atlantic City. Love your license plate!
One day I hope to visit. Looks like great places to see. When I think of New Jersey the first thing that comes to mind is the shore.
I loved your tour of NJ and memories~ ~ My thoughts of NJ always begin with one of the loveliest women I've ever known who grew up there ~ ~ and, of whom you remind me ~ ~
Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your world and the yummy license plate!!
Great memories - we lived near Salam during the '40s on one of the Seabrook truck farms. Thanks for bringing it all back - I think we never got north of Princeton, so my memories are all bucolic (except for Atlantic City, the boardwalk, the diving horse, the salt water taffy and picking out my own lobster for dinner!)
I love all your photos. I loved the Sopranos. When I think of NJ I think of Bruce Springsteen first and foremost! then I think of the Statue of Liberty actually being in NJ waters. I live in Texas but we visit NYC often - family there.
Dear Rayna,
My Mom grew up in NJ: Newark, East Orange, etc. She's lived in SoCal since 1948, and STILL has an accent!
A great website for 19th and early 20thC photos of Atlantic City and various Jersey Shore scenes is
shorpy.com . Many of the boardwalks and buildings from those times are still there.
Liked your license plate re-do!
Linda Laird
I've never been! I enjoy my wide open spaces here in South Dakota, but I'd like to visit the East Coast sometime :)
I've never been! I enjoy my wide open spaces here in South Dakota, but I'd like to visit the East Coast sometime :)
I guess I think of The Garden State (what exit?) first off - all that lovely flat lands but if you get off in the right places, all that lovely beach side beauty. Probably go with the beach and tomatoes for a license plate just for the nice color!
Fascinating Rayna..... I have never been to the US... but I loved your tour of your home, and especially the ice cream parlours. Are these visits in your past the reason you enjoy making your own ice creams now? Your photos of the industrial part of the NJ I particularly enjoyed, as well as the beach scenes. Thank you for sharing your visions with us. Maggie
When I think of New Jersey I think of my friends who live there, and they are nothing like the stereotype portrayed in the Jersey Shore. ;) I have only been there once and I was impressed with all the beautiful greenery!
There is so much more to every state than we ever think! Thanks for a glimpse into yours.
Going to Atlantic City as a kid -- before casinos!
My cousins live in New Jersey, in Woodbury. Back then it was rural. I had friends from college who moved to fort lee and I loved the view from his place, over the river and into the city.
Also Northern Jersey-horse country.
and the dreaded NJ turnpike on the way to visit my dad when he lived in Virginia.
The closest I've ever been to New Jersey is Staten Island, so I speak only from the idea of NJ. Growing up in the west we believed that everyone in NJ talked funny and referred to the state as "New Joisey. " I didn't notice that you talked the least bit like that, so it must not be true.
I grew up in Teaneck, and have a warm spot in my heart for New Jersey. I love reading your blog - we have muy simpatico taste/style, and knowing you are from my home state makes it even better. I feel like we are family. If you are ever in Maine, you have a place to stay. I'll even let you use my sewing machine and rotary cutter! xo
I am ashamed to say I haven't been to New Jersey, other than Newark airport. But it looks very interesting, judging from your photos, and I would love to go see the real New Jersey someday.
I saw that view of NJ from the train on my way to NYC. How funny. Stargal714@yahoo.com
As usual, I love your redesign. For some reason I don't get your blog posts. When I remember I go in and read them by the dozens. gjeneve@gmail.com
Boardwalk - made of actual boards. It was the first one I had ever seen. Growing up in the UK the promenades were all solid concrete to withstand the winter pounding of the Atlantic. Now in Tasmania, Australia most beaches are 'au naturel' with grass, dunes and trees
behind the sand.
Boardwalk - made of actual boards. It was the first one I had ever seen. Growing up in the UK the promenades were all solid concrete to withstand the winter pounding of the Atlantic. Now in Tasmania, Australia most beaches are 'au naturel' with grass, dunes and trees
behind the sand.
I miss Jersey tomatoes!
the turnpike comes to mind for sure - travelled that a few times as a kid. :) cute block!
The Sopranos do come to mind when I think about NJ. Yes, that was a very violent, explicit language show and I didn't watch the last few episodes either.
My first thoughts were: Kelly Ripper (Kelly and Michael tv show) lives in New Jersey and the World Series and how they were then called the "other New York" as New York got more hoopla than the state where it was being held. Other than that, I only know the 'shore' and the 'garden state'! Would love to win that fabric, I can tell you that much for sure!
So sorry, the above linked to wrong email and so not to my blog! so retrying the comment!
My first thoughts were: Kelly Ripper (Kelly and Michael tv show) lives in New Jersey and the World Series and how they were then called the "other New York" as New York got more hoopla than the state where it was being held. Other than that, I only know the 'shore' and the 'garden state'! Would love to win that fabric, I can tell you that much for sure!
I remember camping (tenting) in/near the pine barrens in the very early 80's - someone stole our hammer during the night - had to pull up our tent stakes by hand next morning. The campsite was nice, tho the minor theft kinda spoiled it. We would have been glad to loan them the hammer.
When I was a kid, most of our fresh fruits & veggies came in from NJ - not much fresh produce available during the 'off season' in those days!
I think of the turnpike because I rarely go off of it and visit. We travel from Boston to DC a few times a year to visit family and one day I want to detour to Atlantic City.
I have happy memories of New Jersey, so good times and good people.
Thanks for the tour. Much different than I thought. I'm afraid I have no real thoughts about NJ beyond too much traffic!
When i think of NJ I definitely think of the Garden State Pkwy...which we traveled for years from VA up to CT when we visited relatives. I'm actually not to fond of the GSP! Sorry!
Love the redo of the Jersey license plate. I've spent the last 17 years as a Jersey gal and I always wondered why it was called the Garden State. Now that I am retired, I have had a chance to explore parts of Jersey that I had never visited and it really does have some beautiful places, including the shore, the parks, the colleges and universities. I love to drive through the neighborhoods like Montclair, Princeton, Long Valley and Ridgewood and appreciate the beautiful homes and diversity of the different cultures we have everywhere. and I love my local farmers market.
Loved all the pictures & history you shared about your State. Have never been that direction...would looove to tho! Have friends that lived there for 11 years.
When I hear New Jersey I think of the Shore too...& the storm that tore it up soooo badly. Was glad to see it making it's way back to some normalcy too.
Thank you for the very interesting and colorful tour of New Jersey. I've driven through on my way north but never had the chance to stop and really see places. Cape May and bird migration is one of the first pleasant things I think of when NJ comes to mind, and I really want to go there sometime. And since I recently read Scott Berg's biography, I also think of Woodrow Wilson.
The media image of New Jersey is not kind. It is much easier to fall back on stereotypes than to present a more complex view. I've only been to Newark so my image of NJ is rather gritty and industrial. I would enjoy taking a leisurely car trip on some of the back roads to see the small towns. You shouldn't judge a state based on a large city alone. Thanks for the tour! Notwendy at gmail dot com
I think of the Jersey shore, but have! I love the plate!
New Jersey makes me think of my brother-in-law & sister-in-law. We got to visit them once & it was so gorgeous!
My BFF lives in West Deptford so we are in NJ often and I always have to bring home some tomatoes and blueberries, if they are in season of course. I love, love, love Ocean City. Your block turned out and will look fantastic in the final quilt with all of our other blocks.
Hmmm, when I think of New Jersey I think of the Cape Liberty cruise terminal. One day I want to sail out of there. Love your 'garden' tag!
When my husband was stationed at Ft. Meade, MD his folks drove us up to Newark, where we took the subway to New York City! This was in 1969. My one and only visit to/through NJ.........but an exciting one, being from coastal Texas, it was all fascinating to us
I was not aware of all the agriculture in New Jersey. Gives a totally different perception of the state! Like your license plate.
I'm afraid that mostly the Jersey Turnpike comes to mind! :) I know there's a lot beyond that though, so I hope to visit someday!
The first thing that comes to mind is the "Joisey" accent they always play up in the movies. Sadly that's all I got for you, I don't know much about east coast states. :) I'm in WA. Thanks for broadening my knowledge!
The NJ turnpike, in the tail end of a hurricane which by then was a horrid storm, as I was moving from DC to Boston for grad school. WAVES of water coming off the ginormous tires of semi trucks blinding me in my little Honda accord packed to the gills, including the cat. But I'd LOVE to win the AMB--can't wate to get my hands on some of it!
Thanks for reminding me of the "Garden State". I wa born in Irvington, lived in New Providence and Summit, and spent summers on Long Beach Island in Beach Haven. Moved out of state in high school, and only drive thru on the NJ turnpike when traveling to Maine from New Mexico. Yes, I remember Jersey Boys and Bruce Springstein from NJ. Love your revised license plate!
I've yet to visit New Jersey, for me, I think of the shore when I hear the name.
Would love to visit Atlantic City!!
I was just this close to going to New Jersey when we lived in Maryland unfortunately never made it. But my family was there when I was a child returning from 3 years in France. We had to layover for a couple weeks while our dog was in quarantine because of travel. We were able to see some sites. Very nice state.
nroot801 at gmail dot com
Your block is so bright and pretty! I've driven through NJ before and I think it's a great state. Sure it has grit, but I'm from Ohio and we have plenty too! It makes you appreciate the nicer areas more! Thanks
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