Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009
coffee break
I'm frantically working on my piece for Off the Grid, SDA's exhibit at the conference this spring. I wasn't going to submit a piece because I thought didn't have time to make one - but I realized this morning at the Studio Six meeting that I had a piece in process that just needed to be cut to the right size. So, I'm cutting and stitching tonight in the hope I can make the postmark deadline. That's why I am drinking coffee. And taking a break, aka procrastinating sitting at the sewing machine.
As usual, getting together for critique is a motivator -- especially when I see what other people in the group are doing. Today was a mixed bag: some serious art, some much-needed therapy sewing, some experiments and explorations. I didn't get pictures of everything, but here is a sampling.
Randy is a book artist par excellence, but taking a picture of one of her amazing handmade books would not do it justice. Instead, here she is with one of her quilts, asking for advice about the border.
"This one's for the couch," says Randy. Functional art! Not an oxymoron when it's Randy's.
Here is Susan with one of the baby quilts she has just finished, in an effort to use up some of her commercial fabrics. Therapy sewing while the serious art takes a breather. There must be something about February that makes some of us take a detour while we are in transition to the next phase, whatever that turns out to be.
Now Susan is helping to hold up some experimental pieces that one of the other artists has done, while we give our input. Can you identify whose work this is?
Kerr is working on some new ideas, too. Rachel is concentrating while she explains what she is thinking about and where she's going with it. Makes me think it's time for me to start drawing again.
Rachel showed a new piece which she is sending off to SDA, and then shared some wonderful fabrics her daughter Blair(who is in the Peace Corps) brought home from the Gambia and one other country my brain is too foggy to remember.
Hollie is working on something exciting that I didn't photograph, and here is Diane's almost-finished piece that she showed us a few weeks ago when it was just getting started. Incredible!
That's about it for this morning's meeting. I have to admit that the coffee has not helped to keep me awake enough to sew a proper stitch. I think it is time to go to bed - especially since I have to be out early tomorrow morning to stay with my grandson Jake, who is 5 and is home from school with a strep throat.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
sometimes it is a mistake

Monday, February 23, 2009
Helene calls it therapy sewing, other people call it mindless work. For me, it is not mindless at all- but it is certainly good therapy. I do it when I am out of ideas and need to just play with colors and design. Amazingly, I pulled out my sewing machine when I was in the studio this afternoon (my $400 Viking 210 that sews just straight and zigzag and is light enough to take anywhere). Normally, I consider it a waste of time to sew when I can print - but there I was - sewing away without a knee lift or automatic threader or thread cutter. Tonight, I am sewing at home.
Kay Sorensen posted to her blog showing how she works - and I commented to her that my process is exactly the same: I throw fabrics at the wall, see what works together, and go from there. Therapy sewing works a bit differently.
I sewed together a block this afteroon and several more tonight, throwing them at the wall as I finished them. The one on the left is the first one I did. I really like it but it doesn't work here.
so I made another, turned this block around, and tried again.
Filling in a bit with strips - but the whole exercise is silly because until I have sewn a billion blocks, I won't know what this will end up looking like. Perhaps completely different!
It will wait till tomorrow. I am off to bed.

yes, it's a Blogger problem

Friday, February 20, 2009
playing around

Paint and watercolor pencil on paper. Then, a layer of wax.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
no pix
Tonight was my Studio Montclair art crit group meeting. We're limiting the meetings to 8 people so everyone gets a chance to show work and ask for crit or input. Each time it is a slightly different mix of people, although there is a core of about 5 of us.
Tonight, it was a ceramic artist, 2 painters, 1 photographer, 2 printmakers, a collage artist, and me. At least 3 of us use wax in our work. Anyway, I am beat and have to be at the eye doctor at 8:am. Marty and I have decided we should just bunk there, we're there so much. goodnight.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Today was Marty's birthday, although it has been more of a b.d. week. Yesterday morning we spent at the eye doctor and then he kept me company while I shopped for a car (still pending). He spent his birthday at the office and we ate leftovers tonight. But don't worry -- tomorrow, I am invited to a lunch party at the office that his employees are throwing for him. And Saturday night we are going to dinner with all six of our children and four spouses: my treat.
I stayed home doing car research this morning and by the afternoon, I decided to make a gelatin plate and print on paper to amuse myself. I had the yucky plate left over from Friday's deal with the grands, so I melted it in the microwave, strained out the bits of paint and gunk, and added it to the last of the gelatin to make a strong, 9x13 plate. I used textile paint and it worked fine on the paper. Here are a couple of the prints.
Tonight, thinking I would do some collage, I unearthed my treasure trove of ephemera. I hadn't looked at it in so long that I had forgotten it contained some long-lost favorite inspirations. And I realized two things:
What do you see as a common voice in these photographs? And more to the point, why do they appeal to me so strongly? (I don't expect you to answer this). And now, after having stayed up till an ungodly hour last night, I am going to bed.

- All of these photos speak to me with a common voice.
- All, except the last one, predate 9/11.

it's 2:am

- Melt a package of Nestle's white choc. chips in the microwave.
- Throw in a bunch of pretzel bits and stir till they're covered.
- Spoon clusters of the stuff onto cookie sheets lined with waxed paper.
- Put in the fridge for a little while till they are cool. (I put them out on the deck because the fridge is full).
- Try not to eat them all in one sitting.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Busy day for a day off! The dentist took about 15 minutes and the supermarket, 2 hours and a king's ransom: I was out of EVERYTHING. I mean, when I don't have onions, you know it's pretty bad. That was the morning.
Marty was off today so we spent the afternoon together: I took my car for inspection and then went looking for another car, on a lark. I have wanted a station wagon and today I found one I would love to have. There is nothing wrong with my car, so I can't really justify starting car payments again...but we will see what tomorrow brings.
In the meantime, some of my inspiration graffiti photos from the archives.

New York

Sunday, February 15, 2009
I forgot what I was going to say
Honestly, I had some brilliant thoughts earlier. But I got sidetracked sewing down a facing while trying to get Twitter and Facebook shortcuts organized so I don't have to go to the websites every time I want to post.
Ah, yes. My nephew Oliver is in India now, traveling the country by himself and having an enchanted journey while he takes photos. Today, I caught up with his blog and apropos of Slumdog Millionaire, you MUST look at these photos. Read the brief text if you can, and be patient if the pix take a while to load. They are worth the wait.
On the subject of pictures, I am stuck in a rut and thought I'd go back to my inspiration photos to see what was there. These may be enough to get me started...

How interesting to see the consistency in these pictures. There are more, but this is enough for now.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
budding artists?

Thursday, February 12, 2009
NY - free art & entertainment!
Art Among the Ticket Windows
I love to photograph New York and today was no exception. I took the bus in to meet my daughter Jessica, my camera in hand (for a change). One of my favorite pieces of art stands near the ticket windows in the Port Authority Bus Terminal - George Segal's famous sculpture, The Commuters: Next Departure. He has captured perfectly the body language of people at the end of the day, waiting on line for the 5:00 bus.
And their expressions...I think this is the first time I ever looked at their faces. Been there/done that. I know just how they feel.
Art in the Subway
As I walked across 41st street to the Times Square station, I smiled at the Broadway lighting of the sign, which flashed on and off and on and off. Is it new or have I just not used the 41st St. entrance before?
This was the day there was so much wind that I was almost blown off the sidewalk, so it was good to go underground for a while. I needed to take the Shuttle across town to Grand Central Station and then walk over to the #6 train, which was going to take me uptown on the east side. Right near the shuttle, I encountered the Ebony Hillbillies (listen to their music at that link) -- a fabulous bluegrass group that almost kept me from getting on the train because I didn't want to miss a note!
They're famous -- you can read about them and the history of the string band (and see a better photo of them here.) I got on the shuttle smiling and several other passengers sat with their toes tapping till the doors closed and the train moved.
Got off the shuttle and was greeted with this amazing mural by Roy Lichtenstein - absolutely recognizable - but I couldn't believe it. It's wonderful - although I only captured a piece of it here. Public art - another reason to smile.
Further on, the walls en route to the subways sparkled with mosaics that I quickly took pictures of but didn't have time to stop and study. Some of these people are real - LOL. 
After our appointment, Jessica and I crossed town to the new Hearst Tower to grab lunch in their cafeteria before I headed home. Light and airy and beautiful inside, it is a totally green building. This waterfall is just inside the front entrance and all the water is recycled.
The addition to the art deco building really works - it is beautiful space. And the food in the employee cafe is nothing less than delicious.
Jessica's office is all glass (she can't hide and take a nap) and this is her view from the 41st floor. Just beyond the buildings is the Hudson River. She stood and watched the airplane land
right there a couple of weeks ago when that amazing pilot saved the lives of everyone on the flight.
Day over, I took the subway down to the Port Authority, waved at the Commuter sculpture, and got back on the bus. Once back in New Jersey, I headed to Hilary's to pick up Josh and Ben. Tune in for the next chapter...and more art.


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DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

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