Thursday, June 30, 2005
keeping busy

Monday, June 27, 2005
blog this (long)
It's been a hectic week in my household. On the plus side: our friends Marlene & David were here visiting from the UK and we had a happy time going to the new MOMA, the NJ shore, and some other day trips. Marlene is a fiber artist whose work is always strong and just keeps getting better and better; David is a comedian (in every sense of the word). On the minus side: coping with my mother's impending surgery and as I write this, I am waiting for a call from the hospital that there is an available bed.
Need I say that I can't concentrate on anything much?
Nevertheless, a few images from last week's workshop with Fran Skiles. It was a bit of a stretch, working entirely with paper and paint on canvas -- but an interesting experience. We began with black & white and by the time we had worked and reworked the pieces, they had changed. Not, I might add, always for the better. But change is good and I will be interested in seeing which parts of this process will creep into my work. Here are the changes in this piece:
Here is another, which I really preferred as a black & white piece.
And this one
Interesting way to work - layers of paper, silk, paint, ink, and other goodies. And the hospital beckons, so I'm outta here. Will post again when I come up for air. I still have pictures from Els' workshop and lots of thoughts which may never see the light because I'll probably forget them by the time I have a minute. Thanks for coming back to check whether I'm here.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
goodbye Columbus
On the OTHER hand, it was a bit disconcerting to see notices like these posted all over town:
Friday, June 10, 2005
up on Thunder Mountain
The fiber studio is about 3 miles up the hill from the rest of the village so there is lots of room to spread out.
Here is Els, outside in the tent, heating the wax and starting to demonstrate working with batik. The copper tjap is in the wax and is heating up enough so she can print with it. Els works mostly in silk and makes drop-dead gorgeous fabric. Here is one example...
We worked with tjaps (copper stamps) but also with found objects, which you can imagine played perfectly into what I do. But now I'm too tired to write more and I am leaving for QSDS tomorrow so I will try to write more before I leave. If not, I am taking my laptop with me and I'll post from there.
Peters Valley -- a little background
In case you wondered what the fiber studio looked like - here's the outside. It's about 3 miles up the hill from the village. Nice space, lots of paints, dyes, and discharge stuff available. And WAX. Els told us to bring UGLY fabric and I had a ton of it. I'm really sorry I didn't take before and after pictures because batik is a great way to improve your dyed fabric failures!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
it doesn't feel like June
soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

Welcome to the New Jersey stop on the American Made Brand blog tour! Be sure to leave a comment -- you could win a pack of beautiful solid...
You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...