I didn't see everyone in the world that I knew, but was happy to run into Judy Gula this afternoon, who has an Artistic Artifacts booth and is selling all kinds of intresting batiks and other things. We headed over to MistyFuse to see Iris, who has just come out with a cool new product she is introducing at Market and Festival. Iris lives in New York City and we always ask ourselves why we don't just get together in the city. Sigh...it is crazy that we both have to travel to Houston to see each other.
Yesterday, Lynn Koolish and I had coffee and a chat, after bumping into one another in some aisle or other. By the time I saw her, however, my hair could no longer match hers because her color is permanent. Can you tell I am having a good time?
i also ran into Kathy Doughty, who told me that Kaffe was speaking this morning. I went to hear Kaffe's lecture about his quilt exhibit there. lovely talk and of course, lovely quilts -- both antique and contemporary, inspired by the antiques. Had the usual fun exchange with Brandon and went bck to their booth to hang out for a while, but didn't take any pictures.
Durig the two preceding days I had taken care of most of the business I needed to and so, spent this afternoon wandering the aisles, looking for trends. Don't know if this is a trend but it's what my eye spotted. Someone else's trend photos may be totally different - which, to me, means there were no serious new trends.
Almost every fabric company is coming out with a line of solids. i think the Hoffman colors are the most captivating and the Michael Miller solids have the best hand. Either way, you can't go wrong.
Kaffe will also be coming out with some wonderful new fabrics next year.
As far as patterned fabric - I seem to vaguely recall seeingl lots of foxes and foliage. If they are your style, choices abound. A company to watch is Cloud9 Organic Cottons - sweet and beautiful. I also feel the same way about the fabrics that Carolyn Friedlander has designed for Robert Kaufman.
I met Carolyn through a mutual friend 4 years ago, when she was a fledgling who had just come out with the most beautful paper-piecd patterns for Modern Quilters. She has flourished and I stopped by to visit her. She and her patterns and fabrics are simply charming.

Finally, I had been looking at sewing tables for my very small spaces both at home and in West Palm Beach. After going back and forth, hemming and hawing, walking away and coming back, I ended up heeding my mother's advice: When in doubt, don't. I realized tha not being able to make a decision meant that none of them was right for me. So I will continue to manage with my computer cart at home and my bridge table in Florida.
Enough! We will be boarding in about 45 minutes and there has been a gate change. My suitcase is so heavy with fabric that i will have to enlist the help of a strong guy to lift it into the overhead.
I cannot wait to et back to my sewing room.
My daughter Lisa has her third line of fabrics with Cloud 9. There were some things in the booth highlighting her fabric. Sorry you lost your blue hair - it looked great.
Ah you are depending on the kindness of strangers for your baggage assistance. Hope you have a good flight.
"When in doubt, don't." Another great piece of wisdom received from you. It applies to such more than quilting. Although, sometimes, you probably should take the plunge and get out of your comfort zone. But that's not always the same thing as doubt.
"so much," not "such"
I love your mothers advice. As a past owner of a fabric store, our motto was "When in doubt, leave it out". And yes, it sure applies to life as well as fabric.
My Mom taught me the same thing... works for me! Looks like you had a very busy week. I look forward to seeing what you do with your new fabrics!
I need pink squirrel fabric!
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