Tuesday, December 29, 2015

taking a break

In the couple of days between guests, I have been running around to look for backsplash tile for my still-unfinished kitchen.  I had been dithering between two possibilities from last year and every person who walked in here in the last three weeks had a different opinion.  I finally realized that if I couldn't decide between the two, neither one was IT. 

In the last two days, I have borrowed and returned untold boring samples and have spent innumerable hours poring over online tile websites, looking for bargains and for something I had not seen in my travels. Early this morning I ordered sample sheets of three different ones I thought might work, and then this afternoon I actually found one that is a contender...  No pictures till I am settled.

Meantime, I have been sewing:-)).  I started to make a piece and thought it was finished until it wasn't - if you know what I mean.  The proportion wasn't right; it needs to be longer, so I am adding to the top and the bottom.  This is a "what if?" experiment, so no pictures of this one, either.  

The guest room - (aka sewing room) has been occupied for several weeks, so I have moved my center of operations to the dining table.

This situation requires me to clear a tiny space when I eat and clean off the whole table when I have company again (this coming Friday) and pile all the stuff I am working on back into the stack of plastic boxes behind the chair in the living room. ARGH.  I brought half (or more) of my stash down with me, assuming I would be able to work a lot while I am here.  I have another day of sewing tomorrow and then I have to play femme de ménage before my guests arrive.

This was one of these days.  Tomorrow should be less fraught, and tomorrow night I will finally stop looking like an overgrown tree: haircut scheduled.  All the turquoise that is left will probably be gone and I'll have to make another appointment to put some color back again.  I've gotten attached to it (or vice-versa).

Enough of this idle chit-chat.  Bedtime, so I will be alert and cheerful tomorrow at the sewing machine.


Hilda said...

Thanks for introducing me to a new term...femme de menage. It sounds so much more romantic than cleaning lady, though the reality is likely the same whether in French or not. As always enjoying your blog.

Marianne said...

J'aime voir le "chenit"(mot Suisse romand) chez vous cela me rassure. En tout cas je vous souhaite une belle année 2016 et que la santé et la créativité soit au rendez-vous, et au plaisir de vous revoir cette année!!!!

Martha Ginn said...

Your sewing days sound like so much fun--sandwiched in between company and other necessaries. I identify with having to clear a space to eat or in my case cover up work to keep the cats from redesigning it. This piece you are finishing or adding to looks so happy and colorful!

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...