Thursday, September 06, 2012

on the wall, on the floor

Before and during (not quite there yet, wherever "there" is).

Yesterday morning started sewing together a bunch of random blocks I was going to put together in a regular arrangement. Then I threw a piece of white fabric on the floor and played around with some of them.  They've been picked up and put away while I work on the above, but we'll see what eventually develops.

None of this is the serious stuff - more like class samples. Maybe next week i can get back into the studio and work on my in-process real work.  Meantime, this is therapy.


Eva said...

Love these blocks on pic 2! Such a happy look. Wonder what will become out of them. -- The first panel is great, too; just not so sure about grey... of course, it is neutral! Just working on the same issue. Found a fan of your work in my sewing teacher! I showed her your books, and she browsed through them, read here and there and she liked a lot what she saw, I guess. -- She is quite an expert on quilting, looking for new ways of expressing herself more freely. And I see her once a week to learn more about proper sewing.

sheila 77 said...

I like your squares and rectangles together. A quilt of just these irregular squares - there's yet another good idea.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Great, great fun! And boy, oh I need therapy! Time to start sewing. You never fail to inspire me, Rayna..whether you're sewing in your studio, painting and dying your scarves, or walking the streets of NYC in your fabulous jeans! Show us more, soon!

Diane said...

Yup, I like the open spaces that the new fabrics bring to the work. It frames all the wonderful color and creates some contrast. Kinda the direction I recently took. Keep going Rayna!

Judy said...

I love those little skinny assemblages down the sides of the first piece.......put those somewhere!!


Nina Marie said...

ohhh this is a perfect post to link up to Off the Wall!! I'm all for those inbetween projects!

Lisa Chin said...

Beautiful pieces! Will you be adding more color to the top and bottom of the first piece? You have such a great way with color. I just love it. Your therapy is very therapeutic to me as well.

Unknown said...

Wonderfully crisp and always interesting! great photos (as always!) & Blessings xoxo

Contemporary Wall Paintings

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...