You wouldn't know it by the teensy clip below (I look so serious) -- but I had such fun making this DVD on free-form quilting! Found out today that the DVD is officially out and available on the Quilting Art website.
Don't ask where the week went. I did have one outing on Friday -- dinner on the NJ side of the Hudson River, which gave me a beautiful view of the new World Trade Center #1 going up. I have my own opinions about the wisdom of such a tall tower - it's still climbing -- but it does make a nice sight from this side of the river.
Off to the studio for a bit this afternoon and then winding down for Yom Kippur, which starts tonight.
Looks like a good video!
What is the other shiney building to the right of the new WTC?
Hope your holiday time is special to you.
Sandy in the UK
ohhh VERY cool - you know I've been wanting to cross over to the dark side and create a little more intuitively! I still want to take a class though!
I was so envious of Vivika when I read her blog this morning...she had more fun with you without US!! Congratulations...you make the whole process look like such fun....with great results. Win/win
Congrats Rayna... I look forward to seeing it. Hope that you can save the date for Oct.19 for my opening at the Main Line Art Center.. Now back to printing in prep for the photo shoot for these works on Thurs. YIKES and I am procrastinating.!
congratulations! and great photos too! I just finished a hanging that is inspired by your technique!!! So much fun!
I'm looking forward to receiving your dvd. Yay Rayna!
G'mar Hatimah Tovah.
~Christina in Cleveland
Thanks for the pics of the WTC. We in the midwest watched a TV program about it not long ago and I knew it was tall but had no idea that it's "that" tall.
Always enjoy your blog.
Congratulations on the DVD! I watched the snippet and my brain is in overdrive! I want to dig in and play! Right now I have three queen quilts I need to get quilted by the middle of November so I don't have time to play right now - darn! I have your book, but the DVD is a lot more fun!
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