Tuesday, August 13, 2013

staring into space

After dinner tonight I went to the park and walked a couple of miles in an effort to do my body some good.

I am actually so tired that I have not moved from my chair & ottoman in several hours (except to make some vanilla frozen yogurt in an effort to give myself some energy.  It failed to do so, but the yogurt was delicious. I put raspberries and mango on top.
While I was sitting here vegitating, I thought I'd check out Jessica's FB page and was delighted to see some pictures from Fire Island last weekend.  
I posted for the first time in eons and was deluged with messages. How nice!  I also discovered that two babies arrived while I was away from FB and I missed those events. Tsk tsk, bad me. Will have to be more diligent about checking Facebook. The world goes on without me.

I did admit that I've been spending so much time cleaning up the physical, financial, and legal messes my mother left for me that I have hardly had time to post here, never mind Facebook.   So please indulge my absences.

The weather here continues to be hot and muggy and rainy, but the other morning it was lovely and I looked out to see 3 bambis, very close, chomping away at the grass in the yard.  They stopped and stared at me, but the minute I raised my iPhone, they ran like the wind. This one didn't go too far, but he stood very still when he got to the edge of the woods, here.
                                The view from my deck as they scattered.  Cheesh, they are fast!

Today was a day of errands - bank, surrogate's office, blah bah blah.  I did stop at the wonderful Fairway Market that opened recently about 1/2 hour away to buy a couple of pounds more of the Santo Domingo dark coffee I love -- and oh, yes, I voted in the special primary election in New Jersey.   The polls have been closed for a while now, so I am going to check the news and get some rest.


GerryART said...

Thanks for taking time to post today.

Some days are just life loving itself out.


Julie said...

How wonderful to have deer on your doorstep. despite their lily eating tendencies ;-) I'm sure your body's need to rest is the right thing for you just now. When you are recharged you will be up and running again. Enjoy the chance to slow down and enjoy the deer.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Funny how exercise can help to restore us! I feel much better when I can fit it into my regular routine... even 20 minutes' walk in the morning gives me energy to get through my busy day. Love the deer shots! We get elk through here once in awhile, but I haven't seen anything but hoof prints this year... hope your weather improves... nothing takes the sap out of me like hot and muggy!

tealeafquilts said...

Sounds like you need a bit of time to push some fabric through your machine! Have a nice day!

patty a. said...

What a job it has been for you to deal with the estate. I hope the end is in site. Walking and frozen yogurt sound like great coping tools! How did you make your frozen yogurt? Take care.

Unknown said...

I'm not at all surprised at the toll your work is taking on your body...one day at a time is the way to go.
What wonderful wildlife on your doorstep. We are fortunate to live rurally and although our animals are pets, it always gives me so much pleasure to wake up and see them all communicating together. We have two donkeys...mother and daughter. Mother is happy in slippers, apron and a cup of tea but daughter wants diamonds, lipstick and high heeled shoes. Harry and Wills are the kune kune pigs who think they are anything but pigs. They loooove the horses...and it is so funny to watch them run about when the horses are letting off steam. Vivre is a goat that simply cannot understand why he is in paddocks with animals. He was rescued at a few days old after a culling trip on a farm and raised by hand. He really is above the rest of them! Then there are the cats who walk along the fence top smooching each of the other animals in turn. Never a dull moment...

Eva said...

I can imagine how tiring it must be to clear a heritage. Glad you made it, hope you can return to your creative activities soon!
My Tibetan doctor says I you are exhausted, you need a hot drink to give you energy, cold stuff takes it away, just saying.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...