Did I mention that my vintage sewing machine, which I love dearly, ended up in the shop yesterday? Threads keep getting tangled in the bobbin case; I spent an hour getting out the mess of thread, only to have it happen again when I started sewing. Off I went to the fixit man, who has to take the thing apart and won't have it for me till next week. Bah.
I have two other machines down here; one of which has problems. The second one has been adequate, but today it became inadequate. I think the feed dogs are crooked and the stitch length thing must be broken. Even for me, this is unacceptable.
Naturally, I am having a sewing machine emergency: I am frantically sewing samples for my online class -- or I should say I WAS sewing.... Faced with the prospect of disaster, I did what any sane person would do: I went onto Amazon Prime and ordered a sewing machine, which should arrive on Thursday.
Since I had already done tons of research when I was buying a machine for Miss Emma's 6th birthday, I didn't have to do it again. I just ordered the same machine I had bought for her. Thank you, peeps, for all your advice. Good enough for a six year old, good enough for her Nanny.
Emma loves the machine and has already sewn pillows for her dolls. Notice the fancy doll house; on the right, several doll-sized pillows. My favorite is the neck pillow for her bird doll.

Emma on her 2nd birthday 2012 Happy Birthday, Emma 2016
Where does the time go??
Thank goodness for Rescue Amazon. It's saved me a number of times. Most important, you have an adorable granddaughter--full of talent and good humor like her grandma.
I love that you do tons of research before buying a sewing machine for your six year old grand daughter, but none before buying the same one for yourself! That certainly proves that quilters really just need a straight stitch! I hope you and Emma will both be very happy with your machines. Emma is very fortunate to be able to learn and nurture her creative interests with you.
Wow! At six, I was barely making doll clothes from my grandma's quilting stash... by hand! Emma definitely must take after her grandma, and she's beautiful! Hope you get your samples made up without further incident... nothing more frustrating than a machine that isn't doing a good job!
How can Miss Emma and my own Sylvia be growing up so quickly? Funny you mentioned the sewing machine you got her - I spent last week babysitting S during her Feb vacation, and we were just talking sewing machines, and thinking maybe she'd be ready on her sixth b'day in August. (Because I'm sure as hell not letting her mess up mine!)
Oh, we have the same sewing machine! I bought it online and have been so pleased. Your Emma is lucky to have your support as well as your big love!
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