Nope - it's not a cookbook-- it's a gorgeous book on improv quilting that I've already read twice. Cindy Grisdela's new book is hitting the shelves any day now, and if you want a yummy new read with loads of information on how to work improvisationally -- here it is.
(and you can WIN a copy if you leave a comment on my blog!)
After I read the book, I told Cindy that we must have been separated at birth. We both work improvisationally, both stockpile leftover units and building blocks to pick up and create with when the mood strikes. We both use color intuitively, and there are lots of other commonalities.
BUT our work is so different -- having started in a similar place, we've each taken a different road. That's that's the beauty of working improvisationally. If you are new to working without a pattern, Artful Improv is a great way to get started. Even though I've always worked this way, I have already learned some new things from this book! I don't work with curves, but Cindy has tempted me.
And I especially liked her Five Techniques to add to your Improv Toolbox and her clear, beautifully illustrated section on design principles.
I've loved Cindy's work for a long time. I always looked forward to seeing her (and her artwork) at the elegant Palm Beach craft show -- her pieces are so gorgeously quilted,so coloful, and so beautifully presented. Yum.
But you'll have to see the book for yourself. The blog hop continues elsewhere, so check out these blogs, leave a comment, and you'll have extra chances to win this book. Here is the rest of the schedule. Enjoy yourselves. And oh,if you don't win, you can find Cindy's book on the C&T website or on Cindy's own website.
October 13: Yvonne Fuchs
October 14: Sujata Shah
October 17: Heather Kojan
October 18: Generation Q Magazine
October 19: Cindy Grisdela
Good luck!
Looks like a fun read. I love improv piecing, and curves are awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I love the idea of 'picking up and creating when the mood strikes' and would love to learn how to do this better :-)
Hey Rayna! I am an improv piecer too and have been influenced by you in so many ways (home-made gel plate printing, for example). I can't wait to see what Cindy has published. She is one tireless artist! Belated happy holidays. <3
This looks like a must have! Something I've learned from improv quilting is that the answer to a question or curiosity I've had just seems to bubble up when I'm working in this way. I need to work this way more often and I think this book would be a great place to start so I can learn and get better at improv quilting.
I'm a fan of Gwen Marston's liberated techniques and would love to learn more new techniques. This book looks just the thing to get me experimenting more and stretching my creativity.
I always enjoy your work on your blog-thanks very much.
I can hardly wait!
Sounds like a great read, and especially with your recommendation! I have soooo much fabric stash that would benefit from being put to use! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Cindy's book!
I think this might be the book I have been waiting for. It looks and sounds great.
looks very inspiring.
I love improv, and I love to see other artist's methods.
I love improv and using bright colors. It would be great to add this book to my library.
I would love a copy of this book!
I always like to see how other improv artists do their thing. I definitely will have to see this book.
Thank you for sharing. Looks like fun!
Looks like a great book.
I can't wait to see the book. Having taken a class with Rayna, I'm curious to see how Cindy's techniques differ.
Rayna's book on free form quilting is the one I pull from my bookshelf time and time again. I love it! The more inspiration, the better!
Looks like a terrific book, a great addition my library.
Our style of quiltmaking is getting more and more popular and this sounds like a well-crafted presentation. Can't wait to see it! Oh, and of course I'd love to win a copy!
I am SO looking forward to having a copy of this book in my hands - I've admired Cindy's work for a long time. Thanks for entering me in the drawing!
Those are certainly a couple of yummy quilts. Hadn't heard of this book but would love to own it.
This book looks fun! would love to add it to my library.
Can't wait to read this book. Love cindys work.
Love the asymmetrical look of her quilts.
Ilove Improvisational quilting and have been a fan of both you and Cindy for a long time.
Thanks for sharing this new book with us.
Sounds like a good jumpstarter, which is just what I need these days.
I need to start making improv quilts: they have so much energy!
I love the look of these quilts and the quilting is gorgeous!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
J'ai toujours aimé le coté improvisation et je me réjouis déjà de vous voir dans moins de 15 jours.
I'd love to read about her quilting patterns. They add so much to her work!
I can't wait to check out Cindy's book! I love working with Improv... and Rayna, one of my fav mini's is a quilt I started in a class with you :) Thanks for being part of the bloghop!
I've loved learning from and reading your books. If this one is half as good as yours it should be very interesting to read!
That looks like a wonderful book.
The book looks very inspiring! I find improv a challenge, but keep drfting back time & time again to give it another go!
I would love to win this book! I have your improv book and a few others and yet, I learn something new from each one. Thanks for the chance to win.
jlpfeffer at gmail dot com
I love looking at improv quilts -- I hope some day to loosen my style sufficiently to make one. Or more. Meanwhile, I will read blogs and books -- yours among them, and now Cindy's! I appreciate the chance to win a copy.
I love doing improv piecing and quilting ... and am always looking for a way to expand my repretoire of tricks ... plus supporting like-minded makers. :) Looks like a must-buy for me (but would love to win it, too! :)
:) Linda (lindaschiffer at me dot com)
What a great book to add to my library. Love improv piecing & always looking for tips on construction techniques and how to organize the ever growing fabric/scrap stash! Thank you Rayna for the info on this book......
I'm looking forward to reading this book as well. I love reading how other quilters approach improv type quilting.
Sounds like a very interesting book.
I do love improv quilting, thanks to your introduction, Rayna. The book sounds intriguing.
Looks like a great book...and I would love to try improvisation with curves. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like everything you've said about this book and now want my own copy! I admire improv, modern quilts and everything about them...they are full of creativity!
I am looking forward to seeing this book and reading it. Thanks for the recommendation! You ROCK Rayna!!!
Really can't wait to get this book! Right up my alley!
Would love to win this book. Looks like a great one!
I like the way you compare he technique to your own. It's always interesting to see how two people take different paths.
Love her work,and I'd love to win the book!
I would love to win this book. I just took a workshop with Mike McNamara last Sunday. We learned several new ways of making our fabric really ours. I want to keep working in this way to see what occurs as I put these pieces together. Thanks for doing the raffle.
Oh my I would love this book especially as it is recommended by Rayna.....
So many ideas for new quilts already rushing through my mind after seeing a few examples of Cindy's work.
Thanks for the "win" about this book .....
I've learned so much from you, thank you as this is my preferred style. Got to get this book. Thanks so much
What a great looking book! I pin Cindy's work for inspiration often, so look forward to reading more of her process and learning!
As a beginner quilter, I still have a lot to learn. I like the idea of learning to sort my stash, and actually use the pieces to create some sort of order (or not) out of the madness, it intrigues me!
Oh, what a fun improve "cook book". :) Isn't it wonderful how each person makes something their own? :) Good to "see" you in my inbox more often.
~ Christina in FL
Looks like a great book. I've never seen any of her work before but what's shared so far is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a great book by a great artist.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review of Artful Improv, Rayna! And thanks to everyone who commented--I hope those of you who are already into improv will find something new to explore, and those who are new to the technique will be encouraged to give it a try! It's a fun "no rules, no pattern" exercise.
Gorgeous quilts and gorgeous work! I would love to learn more improv!
I have been wanting to start doing some of this type of quilting, this book just might be the kickstart I need. Thanks for the chance.
sounds like a fun book.
Wow! I should post book reviews more often: look at all these comments! Thanks for all the nice things you've said about my own last book, too. I wish I could respond to all of you individually, but:
1) I am packing to leave for Switzerland this weekend where I will be teaching.
2) Not everybody has left an email contact, so if you are the lucky winner, you're plum out of luck because I have no way to contact you.
I want to do more improv piecing. This looks like exactly what I need for inspiration and education.
Would love to win this book. Fabulous pictures.
I especially like the quilt with the curvy border. Spectacular!
I do mostly improv work myself and I am looking forward to reading this book and taking a look at Cindy's process.
I love Cindy's use of color and negative space. Love this book and looking forward to reading more of it.
Love the looks of this new book! Now if I only had time to bring all of that inspiration to life! Thanks for a chance in the giveaway..
This looks a great book - I'd love to try this!
This new book looks inspiring!
I'd love to learn Cindy's Five Techniques to improve my improv quilting!
Love the use of Color!!
This looks like a book I have to get my hands on!
I need to work on my improv curved piecing... and I really want to learn about Cindy's techniques!
Thank you!
I love the bright use of Cindy's wall art quilts and that it is the similar yet different to your work Rayna,
Thank you both for the inspiration!
Ruth Ann in London, Ontario
Would love to learn more about improv quilting, looks like a great book.
Cindy's book looks so exciting! I can't wait to get my own copy. Thanks for the chance to win!
I've been looking forward to this book's release. I've started doing a bit of improv and could use some guidance.
Pick me! PIck me!
Looks like a delightful book and with your strong recommendation, it is surely a book to have. (You got me started on this improv path, you know?!)
I'm always up for a good read. Thank-you for offering this give away.
What a fun review of this book. I would love to win this book. The pictures are stunning!
Thanks for your sharing your thoughts, it looks like a wonderful book!
A book I would like to have to play more and more with fabrics and quilting...
I know I would love this book! I've been pinning her work for quite a while.
I'd love to win this book! It looks fabulous! I've followed Cindy online for awhile.
I love this qulting as well. Thanks for using some images in your critique. Looks like a nice new book.
I would love to win the book. This is an untried concept and technique for me.
I am a newer improv quilter and could use all the help I can get. I have your fabulous books Rayna and Cindy's book would be a great addition to my library. Thank you for all of your inspiration Rayna!
I love reading a review of this neat book, it sounds great!
I would love to win this book and learn some of the improv design tips!
I love the quilts featured in this book!
This book sounds like so much fun!
I hadn't come across her before, but I like these quilts a lot. Thanks for the recommendation.
Great review with delightful pictures! I love your quilts, Rayna and these look just as fun. I'm still very much a novice with Improv, though I have completed several pieces. I would LOVE the book and know I will learn a lot from it. Thank you for sharing.
This looks like such a great book! I really need to learn more about Improv. Such a novice!
I love doing improv piecing, you are truly an inspiration! Freeform is the way of the future for me in a big way!
Gotta read this book so I can break loose with improv. -- soparkaveataoldotcom
This looks like a very useful and inspirational book. It's been fun learning about it from several points of view.
Like everyone else I'd love to win the book - but I guess I'll have to run out & by it when it becomes available here in Australia. Looks great.
Would love to read about Cindy's improv methods! Thanks!
This book looks very interesting.
This looks like an exciting new book! I enjoy improv piecing so this would be a welcome addition to my library!
I also admire Cindy's work. I'd love to read her book to learn more.
Freedom to quilt this way sounds wonderful. Looks like an interesting book.
Looks like a wonderful book!
The quilts from this book are so, so gorgeous!
I love Cindy's work and I'd love to learn more about her techniques and process!
I can't wait to see this book in person. Maybe it will help me come out of my comfort zone.
I love these quilts--the designs and the colors and so invigorating! I know I could learn a lot from this book.
I read your book regularly. Have been tracking Cindys work since I first saw a show in Ashland, Oregon, maybe 10 years ago. Glooming forward to learning more about her five techniques.
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