Wednesday, April 12, 2017

haha - I have just inspired myself.

We got home Sunday night, and on Monday I started emptying out a storage closet in the basement.  I will tell you that I have been shredding papers for two straight days -- many of them dating back to the last century.  My garage is full of shredded and unshredded paper.

A little while ago I walked into my sewing room for the first time since I got home and was delighted to be greeted by this little unit on the design wall.  What a nice surprise!  I made it when I was teaching in Switzerland and wanted to illurstrate somehing (but what??). Now I am inspired to do more of these!

I happen to have a plastic baggie with more of the brown,black,and white units and I will have to take a creativity break and play a bit.  Enough with the shredding!  But right now,
 I am bleary-eyed.  It will take me a year to clean out this house - believe me! 

Tomorrow is bulk pickup, so the mouldy deck chairs are going, along with whatever else I can foist on the garbage men. In fact, I had better take them out tonight.  Off I go...


Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I wanted to confide that I, too, love hole carpets for some reason. There was a great one in Miami last week, and fishes on the floor on the cruise ship. And yes, I took pictures of both!!!

ES said...

I like brown, I must remember to buy more browns. I love bulk pickup, it's called council cleanup here! We have it once every 6 months and this time around I had such a great clean out!! Awesome! I've freed up some cupboard space, I think it'll get filled with fabric!

Dianne Koppisch Hricko said...

HI Rayna

You constant cleaning is remarkable. I wish it was inspirational to me as well. Alas I still do it only when absolutely necessary and with great dread.

Like the piece though.

Kaja said...

I admire your commitment to the clearing and sorting. I have a garage that doesn't hold a car but is hiding a multitude of sins. Like your little brown piece - it's very promising.

patty a. said...

I need to do some serious cleaning myself. I am going to get my wood floors refinished and I need to move all the furniture somewhere (I think my bed may end up in the kitchen!) and I plan on being brutal in getting rid of stuff. Now I just need to find the time to do it!

Susana Laurencia said...

You constant cleaning is remarkable.
I wish it was inspirational to me as well.
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