The first time I saw one of these, I was driving up the Garden State Parkway and there it was, amongst a clump of trees. It creeped me out. It looked like something sinister; something that was pretending to be a tree but wasn't a tree. Was it an alien? Was it an escapee from Burnham Woods? Was it radioactive? Ha! All of the above. A cell phone tower pretending to be a tree. It didn't fool me, of course. And it probably didn't fool anybody else. So why bother? For a while, I declined to look at it when I drove by. But then, clones of it started appearing everywhere. This one is right near my house and it also creeps me out, although it is not quite as weird as the first one I saw. I would rather see a naked cell tower than one of these costumed poles. Eeewww. On the other hand, it is potential artwork.Wouldn't the black and white variation make a great screen?
Here in Southern California we have fake palm tree cell towers instead of fake pine trees. It would be interesting to find out if there are more variations...
I read about one of the companies who make these faux tree cell towers. They have dozens of varieties to blend in with the areas existing trees. Including....cactuses! Spotting these is the new game to play in the car with the kids.
I always think it is so silly when they try to camoflage these towers with fake greenery. I'd rather see thm wrpped in tie-dye fabric or something more festive! But I do like the screen idea!
Here in Southern California we have fake palm tree cell towers instead of fake pine trees. It would be interesting to find out if there are more variations...
It would be interesting to find out if there are more imaginative variations. Palm trees? We could use a few here in NJ, fake or not.
I read about one of the companies who make these faux tree cell towers. They have dozens of varieties to blend in with the areas existing trees. Including....cactuses! Spotting these is the new game to play in the car with the kids.
Yes! I saw one of those en route to upstate New York. I was like "What the heck IS that?" Thanks for clearing up the mystery.
I always think it is so silly when they try to camoflage these towers with fake greenery. I'd rather see thm wrpped in tie-dye fabric or something more festive! But I do like the screen idea!
I have never seen a cell tower tree...that is just not right.
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