Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
hope springs eternal

Sunday, June 25, 2006
more Asheville

Meantime, I need to have my morning coffee and continute unpacking/re-packing for my next trip to spend 2 weeks in West Palm Beach. Need to bring a ton of supplies so I can work while I am there.
Friday, June 23, 2006
downtown Asheville
Is this art-related? You BET! The day I arrived in Asheville, my hostess (or is it "host" these days?) took me shopping. First stop, a warehouse the size of New Jersey that houses the Habitat for Humanity thrift shop - although that's not what they call it, exactly. Lots of STUFF - but not what I was looking for. In one of the antique malls, however, I did find a photo and a page of handwriting from 1911 that were just the ticket! Then, there was downtown Asheville. I didn't get pix of all the interesting
people, but oh well - this will give you the idea. I was sort of embarrassed to take a picture of this guy (on the left) but my friend Ellen said that if he looked like that, he deserved to have his picture taken. Sixties redux - a whole era that I missed because I was married in '63 and was supposed to be a groan-up. I am so sad that I never got to be the person I really am when it counted.
Moving right along... Remember Woolworth's? Downtown Asheville kept the sign and the lunch counter and made the rest of the building into gallery spaces for artists. What a delight!
Ellen Levine and I had a wonderful time wandering in and out of all the booths and I bought a beautiful basket woven from copper and brass and whatever-else-metal strips that I didn't actually NEED - but am happy I now own. The artist, a young woman who just graduated from college, does some amazing work with wire and I was happy to give her a boost because I really love this piece.
The artist literally skipped to the register when I came to the counter to buy it. I also told her she should raise her prices. Downtown Asheville also has other assets. The bookstore's ladies' room is a feast for the eyes - LOL. Baskets of chalk so that people can write graffiti to their hearts' content. I could not resist taking a picture of this civilized ladies' room. What a great idea! Such high-class graffiti.
Oh, time warp. I figure that it is better to post something than nothing, so I will continue tomorrow. Tonight was our 24th anniversary and we went out to a lovely dinner. I am still recuperating from my week away and getting ready to leave on Tuesday for Fla. -- so I shall turn in early for a change. To be
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
still here
Monday, June 19, 2006
hey from Asheville
Sunday, June 18, 2006
oh my goodness

Thursday, June 15, 2006
the mysteries of discharge

finishing up

This grate would have been lovely without my shadow, but oh well.
Don't know why this bench reminded me of Paris.
Enough of this idle chit-chat. I have to finish my laundry and pack again. But I'll try to check in before I leave on Monday for Asheville, where I am looking forward to seeing my friend Pam Morris and putting more faces to names.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Goodbye Columbus

The building is nice, but the exhibits were sparse and it was like the Emporer's New Clothes. This was the most interesting piece in the Extreme Textiles exhibit; the rest were astronauts' suits and such.
But the guard followed us around and pounced when i took this photo, so that was THAT. Quite honestly, I found more interesting pictures on the street after we left the Wexner.
I am at home now, but will post this and get the rest up tomorrow. BED.
Monday, June 12, 2006
another day in Columbus

Saturday, June 10, 2006
too tired to blog

Friday, June 09, 2006
Hello Columbus

Thursday, June 08, 2006
these may not look like much

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Wednesday night

1. baked 4 doz. choc. chip cookies this morning and did not eat ANY.
2. packed QSDS supplies, including cookies. I hope the suitcase inspectors don't eat them.
3. packed another small suitcase with a few clothes, leaving room for the following purchases in Columbus: Helene Davis' hand-dyed fabric, Helene's hand-dyed t-shirts, clothes from Chico's.
4. found and packed slides and a few quilts for Asheville lecture.
5. watched a riveting PBS biography on George Gershwin and am still humming, and sighing over Fred Astaire. Considering that I NEVER watch tv, this is noteworthy!
6. refrained from posting a long, boring, off-topic qvetch to QuiltART about Blogger's huge amount of downtime in the past 24 hours.
7. decided that I am happy with the piece on my wall and will put it together when I get back from everywhere I am going.
I'll try to post tomorrow, between the raindrops.

But it is a perfect day for the cookies I am baking for a special person in Columbus. Just hope they're not crumbs by the time I get there. Otherwise, multi-tasking: packing clothes, leaving phone messages and waiting for return calls that must be taken care of before I leave, looking for slides and gathering quilts to send to Asheville for my lecture/trunk show, and other things too numerous and boring to mention. If all goes well, I will check back tonight.
Don't forget to post your three best excuses for not doing whatever it is you don't want to do! I need a laugh right now.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
pictures, pictures

What are your 3 best excuses? Maybe we could trade them so our friends and family wouldn't get so tired of hearing the same ones all the time.
But I digress. I have more to show you. I was so excited when Mary Elmusa sent me a picture of the piece she made, incorporating some of the fabric she printed in the Kansas Art Quilters workshop. Unfortunately, Blogger is up to its trick from yesterday, which includes NOT uploading photos. So, tomorrow, Mary will have the gallery wall to herself. In the meantime, I give up.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
sunday in the park
Riker Hill Art Park is a former Nike missile base -- a series of cinderblock buildings in which there are studios that the county rents to artists for a nominal sum. I think this picture was taken when the place was still a base, but the building in the photo is typical of the former army barracks - now studios.The army left in 1963 and some of the buildings are still boarded up. Of course, the heat doesn't always work and there is no AC and the artists have to fix up their own spaces and the bathrooms are shared and you don't want to be up there alone at night. But otherwise, very nice - LOL. I am thinking about calling the county tomorrow to see if there is wet space available. There are sculptors, glass artists, potters, jewelry and metal workers, painters, and a printmaking studio up there. We bought a coffee mug for me and a sugar bowl, the glaze of which is the color of my kitchen walls.
Meantime, back in my home studio...I've been working intermittently and the piece keeps morphing. None of yesterday's pieces exist. Here are today's auditions.
Small differences, but differences nevertheless. And once I get there, it will change again as it is being sewn together. But we're not there yet.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
yasou & back to the studio

soup weather in June and a little more
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...

Welcome to the New Jersey stop on the American Made Brand blog tour! Be sure to leave a comment -- you could win a pack of beautiful solid...
You might remember this block and its siblings, which I sent out to a bunch of you who wanted the challenge of reinventing it. Three have...