Tonight, I wanted to repsond to the rest of the comments and answer some more questions - so here they are.
Anonymous Diane said
I would use it to create a piece of jewelry--a truly unique piece, no doubt!Happy Chanukah. Looking forward to making latkes with your recipe from last year.Diane in PA
I thought about creating a piece of jewelry with the fossil - but it's about 5" SQUARE. Veddy dramatic - and too big for me. We'll see. I'm keeping an open mind. Latkes. Diane, you reminded me that I had posted my recipe last year (good grief - where has the time gone?) so I printed it out to take with me. We're going to my daughter Hilary's tomorrow so I have to take all the ingredients there and use her Cuisinart to shred everything.
Karoda said...
until i read the answers, i was gonna say hardened wax. i also had a question to ask but not i forgot...oh, does discharge paste and thiox discharge differently...i can't use bleach at all but the discharge paste doesn't bother me one bit...does the thiox smell worst than the discharge paste?
Frankly, Karoda, I think discharge paste smells worse - but they are pretty much the same smell. I have done experiments and sometimes they discharge differently and sometimes not Depends on the fabric. The chemical makeup is different - although Jaquard does not list ingredients on their bottle.
Liz said...
Is this the same as the Jacquard discharge paste? I really must have a play with mine - I bought it over a year ago, hope it keeps!!
Yes, Liz, discharge paste keeps. Thiox, once mixed, does not keep as well but will stay in the fridge for about a week. I only mix up what I think I can use up at the time - and you can mix up small batches, so that's good. When you use your discharge paste, wear a gas mask or do it right in front of an open window. With either one, I like to hold the steam iron just above the fabric rather than ironing it; it is a bit more gradual but gives me more control. Fool around and see what works for you.
So much for the replies -- now for the etc. Yesterday, I gelatin printed a piece of muslin (I love muslin) using a bunch of washers and other random objects. Today, not being especially enamoured of the piece of fabric, I screened one of my trees on top of the gelatin prints.
If you click on the image, you can see it larger. Not quite sure what will happen to these prints, but I will probably add them to the pile of other random prints.

OH! This muslin is fantastic! I think the tree on that background and texture is superb!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, please, PLEASE wear a respirator with the right gas cartridges when ironing the Thiox discharge paste. It is very toxic and should be done outdoors.
I took the 5-day class with Judy James and safety is very important.
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