We are working on "after." My kitchen designer was coming at 1:00 -- so I went to the studio for about an hour - just enough time to rearrange my tables for better feng shui. My kua number is 1, which means that west is not a good direction for me to face. So I switched my print table to face north; let's see if it makes a difference and breaks the creative logjam.

Kitchens! That is work!
I got your email, but it comes to me as no-reply. I am sure we have corresponded via email before, but I didn't put your email in my address book. Send me an email, not through Blogger.
Hi Rayna
I just got back from QuiltIndulgence festival, and got to see your quilt, Early Frost, in the flesh - er, I mean,in the cloth! Fantastic. I spend ages studying it.
I'm especially liking that cloth in the upper right hand corner...actually I like how all three of those pices work together...a bit unexpected but pleasing.
We are in the process of buying a house with a kitchen that needs to be redone. I am just starting to gather ideas, so I'll be watching to see what you do. Maybe we need a kitchen remodel support group!
Chiming in from the overachievers' corner - when we redid our kitchen we replaced the drawer fronts and doors and kept the cabinets. Some of the drawer fronts were non-standard sizes so we made new ones ourselves using wood from a maple tree that we'd had cut down, really tying the house to the land. We're big proponents of the "Not So Big House" philosophy, less is more, and that less should be of superb quality, aesthetically pleasing, functional, in scale and green. Can't wait to see your new digs!
Hi, Rayna. Just stopping by to see what you are up to.
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