For the last several days, whenever I have a spare minute, I have been doing mindless sewing - strips. No idea what I will do with these or if I ever will do anything with them, but here, for your entertainment, are a few samples -- only one of which I like.

So I moved it to the upper left and the piece flows better for me. But the blue rectangle is still bothering me . And really, all my attention goes to the upper right which is the strongest part of this piece (and the only section I have sewn together.

Need to get up and out the door before 8: am so I can get to the Upper East Side by 10:00-10:30 and play mommy to my youngest tomorrow. It will be a long day, but one I look forward to.
Guess I have to follow your musings on composition for quite a long time to understand your principles. And I'm sure it will be worth while. Until then, I'm not going to comment on composition!
...and: wish I could be in this workshop! But until I will, I wish you lots of great results and FUN!
Have a great time in the workshop. I, too, wish I could be there!
Interesting words "fish or cut bait" for the blue piece because it reminds me of a boardwalk or pier.
Yup, there are parts of that piece that remind me of the seashore....the top looks like the beach and the dunes. But then I also see bridges. I was immediately reminded of the Golden Gate when I took my first glance at the piece.
I too would love to be in your workshop!
definitely see water and bridges so maybe you could move the composition that direction (or at least the title) and then the large blue expanses will have purpose.
I didn't realize that that Jessica is your daughter. I shouldn't be surprised as she certainly has your sense of humor.
I just love watching your design process unfold.
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