And another on-line class. My deconstructed screen printing on-line class is open for registration on
L-Quilt. If you have my book and haven't tried DSP yet on your own, this gives you an added dimension for seeing how it's done. As usual, I make a fool of myself on camera -- but it's fun.
Next weekend is my high school reunion and if I couldn't get skinny, at least I could get my toes done. So, off I went this afternoon for a relaxing few hours at the nail salon cum day spa and ended up with the works. Lemme tell you - it would be worth being rich just to do all this beautifying monthly. What a treat!
This gave me the energy I needed to make another quilt tonight to send off to C&T for their booth at Houston. After dinner, I headed downstairs to use the last of the Liquitex soft acrylic paints they had sent me to test out, printed some fabric, and brought it back upstairs. I cut it in half, put this piece aside, and used the rest for the quiltlet (approx 12x12).
Had no clue how it would end up, but started cutting and sewing and before I knew it, I had this thing made of strips. I fused it to the background,did a quickie (don't look too closely) job of quilting. I even fused the facing - not something I like to do - but time was of the essence. Amazing what you can do when you don't stop to think. It's done.
What a relief! Now I can go to bed, get a few hours of sleep, and be on my way to Brooklyn bright and early. (remind me to get gas before I leave New Jersey - land of the $2.31 gallon they put in your tank for you. This doesn't quite make up for the highest property taxes in the nation but I'll take what I can get.)
Taking Jessica to IKEA in Red Hook tomorrow to look at kitchens. What fun!! And I can relax, knowing both my quilts will go out FedEx overnight on Monday.
Oh this is great! The turquoise background gives it space, the circles are so dynamic when cut and pieced, and the bold bias position of the windows is -- just adorable!
J said spontaneously: "Ernst Ludwig Kirchner!"
Your new quilt is exciting, Rayna! I love the colours, have fun in Ikea,
Love that little quilt, Rayna!
I haven't tried DSP yet so this on-line class might be a good idea. I could have used your advice yesterday but I think in the end, I did OK.
I'll be looking for your quiltlets at IQF in a few weeks!
Fun little quilt! I'm convinced- I'm gonna grab the online class! I did a little self-motivated DSP experimentation the other day, had nice results but the dyes washed out more than I wanted so I definitely need instruction LOL. Gonna hop over to LQuilt and get the class. :D
Gorgeous! Anything you put your hand to has that stellar Raynaish look that I love.
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