Philippe believed that when he asked people to jump they were so busy concentrating on the action that their masks dropped and their true personalities came out. A fascinating theory that was borne out again and again in the pix. Nixon was stiff as a board when he jumped. Behind us to the right, a photo of Marilyn jumping. If you enlarge the photo and look, you'll see what a free spirit she really was.
On the way to the exhibit I shot some of the city's prettier sights instead of my usual grit. The gallery was on 57th near 5th Ave, which made it easy. Below, the Plaza hotel, Bulgari, and other lovelies.
I was fine with walking to find a place to eat but the other two women had uncomfortable shoes and we were starving, so we went into the bar at Trump Tower.
8:45 pm and they were washing the walls in the lobby. This poor guy was the only other employee we saw. In the bar, we ordered drinks and $12 burgers which took so long we thought they were up doing the last roundup.
8:45 pm and they were washing the walls in the lobby. This poor guy was the only other employee we saw. In the bar, we ordered drinks and $12 burgers which took so long we thought they were up doing the last roundup.
As we left Trump, we wandered through this corporate art gallery in the hallway on the way out.
This little girl was having fun ineracting with the art.
We took the subway to the bus terminal and we were on our way. It had taken us 2 hours of sitting in traffic coming into the City and here we were again, traffic in the tunnel. The bus driver yelled at me for taking this picture, but he was sitting still, anyway so I don't know why he cared. It was a late but interesting evening.
Your comment about the bus driver had me laughing- my most vivid memory of my first (and only) trip to NYC (1970) is of a bus driver arguing with passenger who wanted to pay him with a handful of pennies. Nothing this innocent west coast girl had ever seen!
I am so glad you posted this. I have gotten the particulars... Philippe Halsman April1-May 28 Laurence Miller Gallery 20 W. 57th. I will be visiting SOFA NY with a friend so will be able to see Miss Marilyn in flight! Thanks Rayna
Thanks for this gallery visit. I always wondered where my father got the idea to take pictures of all of us jumping. Since my parents are now gone, the family has been going through the photo albums of our lives and remembering.
So, what was your reaction to the bus driver? Did you give him the finger, smile at him, or what????
Seriously though, thanks for taking us along on your evening in the city. We got to enjoy the pretties and didn't have to sit in traffic!
Love the out and about photos and commentary. Real different from my gig in the suburbs of CA.
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