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October 25, 2010 |
Yes, it gets dark at 4:00 in the afternoon, but that only lasts till just before Christmas -- so once we get over the winter solstice, I like to pretend that Spring is on its way. (By pony express, in this part of the Northeast U.S. and a few other places, of course!) Today, despite the barren trees, it was in the 50's F. degrees - still shirtsleeve weather as far as I am concerned.
After a couple of somewhat pithy posts, I think I have run out of pith (whatever that is - but I know you need a helmet for it - LOL). Never mind - I will buy some more tomorrow when I go grocery shopping.
Well, tomorrow has turned into two days later and I still have not grocery shopped (had to finish this blog post first). Oops. Sorry.
I have been cleaning up the basement office alcove (aka former home print studio) - packing away such collectibles as 3 boxes of stocking with seams. (yes, these are burgundy - from Saks Fifth Ave). Do you think they will ever come back in fashion?
There is a can of Flit (does anybody remember "Quick, Henry, the Flit"?) and untold items that have not been manufactured for 50 years or more. This was in my father's store. Still has rubber samples on it - looks like it is from the 1920's. What shall I do with it?? Are they going to put me on that Hoarder's TV show? This is the tip of the iceberg.
I don't remember this packaging, so it must be verrrrry old. I think I retrieved it from my father's store.
Make your own stamps, anybody? Who has eyes good enough to read this little print?
Advertising rulers. The Glen Ridge Savings Bank was local (bought out by somebody large) and the wood is cheesy; the others are from the 1950's or earlier because the wood is heavy and they are varnished.
Where I got this box of erasers, I have no idea. But aren't they lovely? I guess I should use them, but I hate to.
This little gizmo is from the Billy Rose Music Hall, which opened in 1934 and probably closed in the 1950's, but I can't find any record of the closing. A noisemaker - isn't it wonderful?? Very useful, too.
This is so the contractor can paint the basement, which he has been working on this week. The sheet rock is back up on the walls and ceiling and Monday, the paint comes out. What a job!!
Finally, I have to update my website. This is a nightmare, since I have a Mac and Homestead, which I dearly love, does not have software that works with Mac. I have installed Parallels, but it is very slow and a pain you-know-where. And I can't get my husband's PC (which he never uses anyway) to see my Mac, no matter what instructions I follow. Since all my photos are on the Mac... well, you get the picture.
Ok - off to the supermarket. I promise not to post pictures of my groceries.
Amazing things! There are collectors for just about anything, I guess. Why not have a look in e-bay and see what prices can be obtained for similar items? A very realistic help to calculate the value. Aren't there traders who take the whole lot and do the selling business for you? There are people who are simply crazy about such stockings and more.
You might find some extra pith in there.
Your posting style is a bit different these days, more contemplative, more revealing... I like that, and how brave you're being by exposing more of your thoughts on making art. Very inspiring stuff. I've been sitting here reading your last few posts and thoroughly enjoying them.
The items you found in your basement are wonderful. These are your dad's collectibles? Would that I had such a trove of neat treasures lurking in my house! :D
The collectibles are wonderful. I agree with Eva about there being a market for such stuff -- if you have the time to do some research. There was a time in my life when I started collecting things like that...then with all the moves I made, I divested myself of it. Makes you realize how much the world has changed, the kind of stuff we used to buy, so primitive by today's standards.
Have a lovely weekend! xox
Thank you for posting, I have been missing you. And thanks for the views of treasures from your basement. I have been thinking lately about the boxes in my attic which I have not looked in for twenty years. People say if you haven't used something for a year you should get rid of it. What is the rule if you haven't even looked at it for 20 years? What to do? Fiddly-Dee, Rhett, I'll think about it tomorrow. Love ya!
what interesting treasure you have found, rayna! no doubt there are collectors for all of it. if you are like me and i often suspect you are, it's not worth your time to research and market them. i would send it off to charity and enjoy the tax deduction! in fact i need to do that with an antique spinning wheel and two rockers which have been 'transitioning' in my own basement since july!
What a fun collection to sort through. I'm sure it's just a little taste of what you've got hiding in that basement too. I would put your quilt photos on a thumb drive or CD and use hubby's computer. Sounds like it would be easier.
I just finished perusing Craigslist. There is a section for "collectibles" and also "antiques". And I am told because you have a personal story/connection to them, it increases value. But you can always rebox them and leave them for your children and grandchildren :) I keep thinking I'm going to get rid of boxed up items, but when I start going through them, I can't bring myself to part with them.
Hi, Rayna, your collectibles are wonderful. Just in case you're really considering giving them away, you might want to check with local museums...
And with regard to your website issues, have you thought of using iWeb on your Mac? Assuming your hosting outfit allows that, of course. I've been pretty impressed with what iWeb can do.
I now (unfortunately)live where the rubber capital of the world use to be - Akron, Ohio. B.F. Goodrich still had some offices in town - maybe they would be interested in the rubber samples. Their address is 1555 Corporate Woods Parkway , Akron, Ohio 44310. Their phone number is 330-374-3040
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