I have been drinking chicken soup, miso soup, and tea for several days. But tonight I had a yen for hot chocolate, and it has made me feel better already. Real cocoa, made with Valharona and a little sugar and milk; not that instant stuff that is too sweet and filled with god-knows-what.

When I was a teenager and came home from a date, if my mother was up we made cocoa and cinnamon toast and I would tell her about my date (with a few omissions, of course). So there is always a comfort level with those two foods. I grew up with Droste's so it is easy to see why I am a cocoa snob.
One of my favorite readers has radar. Every time I have not posted for a while, she picks up the phone to see what is wrong. She's got a good record! This time, a wretched cold -- just when I thought I had gotten through winter feeling fine. I probably picked it up on the plane, but who knows? Tomorrow, if it is not better, I'll see about getting it checked. Chicken soup hasn't done a whole lot to help.

Meantime, I have been sitting and staring into space all week; too tired even to do therapy sewing, if you can imagine that. And I have been working on revamping my website: a daunting task that may or may not get done soon. While I've been staring into space (and reading posts on several lists) I have noticed mention of the late-lamented Art/Quilt Magazine. No point going into the reasons for its demise (which had nothing to do with the high-quality of the magazine) or whining about how our subscription renewal funds have vanished.
Instead, I'm curious about what those of you who are serious art quilt people would like to see in a magazine. What kinds of information/features/visuals/ articles/profiles/interviews/ would make you supremely happy that your needs were being met? What would you like to see omitted? What kinds of articles do you not want to see? Given your 'druthers - imagine a new magazine!
I hope you'll think about it and post your ideas because I'm really interested.
Now I'm off to sleep with the hope that I'll be somewhat better in the morning.
Hope you are feeling better, Rayna- when all else fails, chocolate! Dark, not too sweet- yum.
I think this is a fabulous question!! I, personally, am not as interested in 'how to' articles as I am in seeing lots and lots of art photos - uh, photographs of other people's fabric artwork. Maybe a series on 'how you think' would be interesting or on how to use images or ideas taken from your sketchbooks?
:) Linda
ps i am glad you found some good hot chocolate. I may have to get some tomorrow.
Feel better soon, sweetie! Much love.
I want to listen to artists speaking about their work but not in artspeak.
Hope you're feeling better soon! Much as I love chocolate (Green and Blacks Maya Gold for preference), it gives me headaches in a liquid form
I received the last 3 issue of this magazine and they blew me away as I was only just becoming aware of art quilts.
What interests me most is the process. How did they get from that starting sketch or idea to the finished quilt? What was rejected along the way? What were the most difficult stages?
One of the most intriguing aspects of a recent quilting retreat was seeing people in action,working their way through problems, making minor adjustments that make all the difference.Having seen their work in progress,I think I will have a different understanding of it when I see it displayed.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to capture that?!!
I hope you're feeling better!
As I read your question about the magazine the first thing that came to mind was that I'd like more in depth processes. I get frustrated sometimes with articles that are written as a how to, but the details are left out. I often find myself wondering, how they got from the point they showed to the end product.
I'm a fairly experienced artist, so if I can't figure it out, I'm sure many can't.
I understand it's different if it's an artist's profile. One doesn't want give everything away. I like to read and get to know different artists.
Challenges get the readers engaged. I have participated in a few and enjoy them.
Sorry to hear you're down, but hope you'll be feeling better soon. I confess I never saw "Art Quilt" magazine... I was a subscriber of Quilting Arts for a few years, but found I did not have time to do a lot of in-depth reading, so dropped the subscription. Since I'm into dyeing, I'm always interested in articles about surface design techniques. I also enjoy articles about the design process as well as information about techniques used in the construction of art quilts.
Take care, and stay off planes! ;->
Oh, yes, cocoa...we found the BEST chocolate. It's made with Mexican grinding stones...Mexican chocolate made in Mass. Taza Chocolate. Makes me feel better just thinking about it.
As for mags...since I hate to follow directions and I am a hard -core visual-learner, who basically only looks a pictures (except for your last book which was the first I actually read all the way through...largely because it was in your voice, I think) I prefer photos, interviews about inspiration, and, information about the 'whys' of art, not so much the 'hows'.
I did enjoy your latest article in QA that arrived yesterday...read that too ;^)
Okay, some of those sentences are just way too long...can you tell I've been up since 2am?
I hope you are feeling better soon. Spring colds are the worst, just when it starts to get ice outside you end up in being miserable.
Yes, with rest and hot cocoa - you will feel better tomorrow for sure! Artists in magazines get my attention when they share the dialog that went on in their head at the time that they were working through a piece. That is, the series of details that came into play as they turned a corner and proceeded in another direction.
So nice to see that you are up to posting again. Keep getting well. I'll think about the magazine. Love, Del & PPrince
Well first of all, I think your cold has gone to your head to even think about this BUT I hope you're feeling better and are up and around. My FAVORITE magazine is Selvedge but I only subscribe every few years for one stint at a time- the price is just prohibitive. What do I like? It's all about fiber art, the most obscure things show up, and I savor every word. I don't care anything about how-tos, though I do enjoy reading about artist's process. I want sophistication, diverse subjects, great photography, interviews with artists about their work and how it got to where it is. And I like thick paper and beautiful printing. Too much to ask? Yeah, I know, but you asked and I gave you my ideal.
Oh yeah, you know what I HATE- I hate to read a review of a show that is long gone! I can go on further if you need me... Feel better soon.
I love Art/Quilt magazine and really wish there was something out there similar. I also would like more indepth articles on artists, their process, and inspiration. I've always been a sucker for biographies.
Feel better soon. A B&B sidecar always makes me forget about my cold. ;)
Hope you're feeling a lot better.
Yes, I, too, have saved every issue of Art/Quilt. Every now and then I flip through them to get my creative genes moving again. That's the kind of magazine I'd love to see: solid interviews of artists who happen to use quilts as their medium; serious reviews of art quilt shows; listing of upcoming venues where you can show your work.
Hi Rayna, I do enjoy most issues of the QA magazines and the Art Quilting Studio...and what I find myself reading first are the artist profiles and wishing the questions were more challenging connecting the artist to their art. The question you offered me for artists' interviews, what you do and why, is a great opening question that allows the interviewer to dig a little deeper I think.
I'd also like to see critics of work and exhibit reviews...and interviews with gallery owners and curators.
Now, sending you a shot of keeping well vibes :D
I like a magazine that takes me longer than 30 minutes to read even when you have examined all the ads.
I am only subscribing to Quilting Arts magazine this year and have dropped all my traditional quilting magazines.
New to art quilting in the past two years I am interested in technique, the business side of how to sell your work (since I can only use so many little works) and how artists think and develop. I am really tired of paying for a magazine that has big print and little content.
My husband subscribes to the Atlantic magazine and it takes him hours to get through it. When I subscribed to certain main line quilting magazines it took me 20 minutes to read through it and I seldom went back to re read anything.
QA may not be the ideal magazine for me but at least it has things for me to go back to as a reference or for inspiration.
Good question Rayna!
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