Saturday, August 04, 2012

I have a new computer

It looks just like my old one because it is. But my little MacBook now has twice the memory, more than twice as large a hard drive, a new battery, and Apple's most up-to-date operating system - Mountain Lion. All this for about 20% the price of a new MacBook Pro.

I've spent the last two days cherry-picking the data on my old hard drive and have started to transfer the important things as I need them . I'm reorganizing things logically, putting photos in the pictures folder instead of in with my documents. This means I'll never be able to find anything because it's too logical, but I am trying to be good. Probably won't last long.

 Because of the computer stuff, I never got back to the studio for the second half of the week (does a week have halves??).  Here is the piece I am working on (at the slow design stage). Some of it is sewn together, some is just being auditioned.  I look at it on my computer and know what I have to do when I get back to the studio.

The 50 scarf commission is barely started.  I think there are 4 in process and they will be similar but not the same.  Can you imagine me printing 50 identical pieces? Bleh.  Here is a scarf example, partly done.

Speaking of scarves, Miss Emma got into her mother's scarf drawer last week and this was the result.
I leave you with this fashion plate, playing her harmonica.
It is, as I finish Friday's post, already Saturday. Time to go to bed.


Lois Griffin said...

I think Miss Emma has a bit of Gypsy in the look!


Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

I agree... Emma is my kind of gal! As for organizing your computer, I am very happy having separate folders for documents, photos, etc... much easier to find things! I also have an external hard-drive where I store data for my biz, then the C drive is free for small miscellaneous things. My hubby, on the other hand, is organizationally challenged, so you never know where his stuff will crop up! Good thing we don't share a computer... gads! What a concept!

Cathy Bargar said...

Gypsy chic, indeed - and those shoes are to die for! Seriously, I think that she & my Sylvia must share some Eastern European curly-headed dark-eyed (maybe Roma, or whatever the correct word for Romanian gypsy-people is) ancestor

Del said...

A fashion maven at such a young age. Awesome!

Debra Dixon said...

First, Emma cannot be that big already!
Second, could she please come to my house and play?

Cate Rose said...

They grow up fast, don't they! Emma is adorable. Have a great weekend! xo

Gerrie said...

I can't wait until Paige is this entertaining. Love the photo of Emma. I wore your scarf to IQF Long Beach and got lots of compliments!!

Judy said...

Ah, the lovely Miss Emma!! I hope Charlie has a baby sister in December!

I was telling a friend of mine (who happens to own a ladyies' dress shop) that I was eco dyeing and eco printing. He said to be sure to keep accurate records so that I could reproduce the special ones in bulk....he doesn't know me very well! LOL What a dull life it would be if we mass-produced.


Susan Ettl said...

I love Ms. Emma's new outfit.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...