More shop windows. Trust me, gray is the new black so to speak. Seen everywhere, but I was too busy walking to take pix of every window.
We did go back to the cemetery-- a truly beautiful place with amazing history.
This is the grave of Oscar Wilde, which is probably the most visited one.i couldn't get close enough, but if you see what look like spots on the side of the monument, they are lipstick kisses put there by fans. There is also lipstick on the figure's mouth. Beats me why, but it is famous. They have put up a plexi wall and a sign asking people not to dirty the tomb because it is expensive to clean and is paid for by the family.
Chopin, Molière, Colette, Piaf, and many others too numerous to mention are buried at Père Lachaise.
But this is the one I wanted to visit.
After that, I could leave.
We headed for the second time to the Musée d'Orsay and there were still hordes waiting to get in,so we left. As we approached the museum, we saw this beggar woman in the same spot she had been two days earlier.
I assumed she was there every day and I was correct. An elegant woman saw me take the picture and stopped to tell us that this old woman is part of a gang that brings a truckload of women and children, drops them off every morning and picks them up every night. They then take all their coins, go to the bank and exchange them for Euro bills. Paris is full of them. No surprise to me--I have been here enough to know not to give them anything.
After we couldn't get into the Musée ( I think all the lines were to see the special exhibit of male nudes
In art) we walked back to the right bank and through Le Jardin des Tuileries. What a great place! Full of public art, it was a joy.
This is not a real tree;bronze, but almost impossible to tell.

Ceramic bridge.
The ubiquitous carousel. They are all over the city and all beautiful.
Taxi in 15 minutes to take us to the station. Will post again if I can, if I can get wifi.
On the Eurostar, still in the Gare du Nord. No wifi,but I can write and will post tonight when we are back at the house in London. This morning, I went out for a walk alone and poked my head into a dep't store that was having sales. Wandered around but did not buy anything. Then, on my walk back, took some pictures in the glorious store across the street from our apt. These mugs come in a variety of Pantone colors, with each the number of the color marked on the cup. Big ones and little ones. I was sorely tempted but had no more room in my already too-heavy luggage. The big mugs were almost 15€ and the demitasse cups were 10€. Another time. Maybe.
Then a few other things and I was out the door.
A patchwork chair for a couple of thousand euros was a perfect way to end the morning. Next stop, London.