Friday, February 07, 2014

renovation, part 1

First thing to go from this lovely apartment is the 1970's shag carpeting, here since these buildings were built.  Yes, the kitchen and bathrooms have to be gutted - but that is for next year.  

However, I couldn't stand thej dirty, faded shag carpet for one more minute, so I picked out a low-pile wool berber on Tuesday. Here is the before and after, as they are taking up one and laying the other.
 They measured on Thursday and are installing it today.  It is a JOB because all the STUFF had to be removed from the cabinets and bookkcase and closet floors before they could even do anything. Have been llugging and throwing since Tuesday and  am now squished into a corner, out on the porch, along with the tip of the iceberg from the guest room.  Much of this will go to Good Will or the Salvation Army.
To my left, leaning against the sliding doors, my so-called design wall.  I hope to move it back into the guest room tonight when the carpet is down and the furniture is back.  It doubles as my sewing room when I am here.
On the bright side, the weather and the view are beautiful.  Here is what I am looking at if I turn my head slightly to the right.
I did not take a selfie when I had lunch with Sandy Donabed yesterday, but it was good to see her and she is always fun to spend time with. Have visited all of my local cousins and  spent time with two other friends.  Not ready to go back to the deep freeze on Tuesday, but it can't be helped. More snow predicted for Wednesday. Oh, joy.

I've already had a teaching request for March 2015 on the west coast of Florida. If anybody else wants me while I'm there, let me know.  For the moment, I am happy to put my feet up and enjoy myself for the next few days.


queenopearls said...

So many flashbacks Rayna! Congratulations on getting the new carpet installed. Shag carpet is a mess, even when new.
When I moved from Sarasota to Cleveland, I saw the same bank and scratched my head. lol
Enjoy the warmth!

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

Gads, I don't envy you the upheaval of having carpet torn up and new laid, but know it will be nice when it's done. We're getting ready for the kitchen re-do next week, so I have a little idea of what you are going through. Enjoy the warm weather, and be safe going back to NJ!

Linda Hicks said...

I would tear up but I have filled all possible spaces!
You find a way to do it all!

Karen S Musgrave said...

You are amazing and such a great inspiration. Love the new carpet. Envy your view and warm weather.

debby said...

I feel your pain! I'm going through a series construction/renovation. I feel like a displaced person in my own house!

I know it will all be done eventually, but I can't see the end at the moment!

Unknown said...

Your renovation finally began. It’s not an easy process, and it may take a lot of time and patience. But with the right people to help you, I’m sure the renovation will progress smoothly and be less stressful. Just enjoy the moment. Good luck!

Homer @ Pinnacle Group

Anonymous said...

It sure was a huge job installing the new carpet. I hope all the hard work paid off in the end. Your house has a nice scenic view, which I’m sure you’ll get to appreciate more after all these revamps are done. Cheers!

Krystal Patrick @ G&G General Contractors

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...