While the weather has been relatively warm, this afternoon made a good backdrop for a depressing movie. The scene from my deck, which could not be much gloomier. I'd know this tree anywhere. - you know, the one that keeps its dead leaves all winter. Aha, but INSIDE, a hub of colorful activity in my studio!! I have been fighting with a piece on my wall; another one needs the facing stitched on; a third one needs quilting, and finally, I have fabric and paint spread out because I am supposed to be printing fabric for class samples and nothing is looking happy. It needs to be HAPPY.Well, I'll sew the facing the small piece onTuesday, when I go do my civic duty. Jury duty, that is. In the state of NJ, it pays $5 a day, which doesn't cover the cost of your lunch from the grease truck outside the courthouse, let alone your gas to get there. Forunately, I have my knitting.My husband's birthday is in 2 weeks and this was supposed to be for his last b.d. At this rate, he'll be 80 before I finish it. Well, intermission is over. Blogger's server is down so I had better get back to work. Enough of this procrastinating.
I love jury duty! The process is long and dull at times, but getting called in for the selection process always fascinates me...I've never served on a actual jury though...I always get eliminated :(...and then in my former day job I sat in on court proceedings quite a bit...it just fascinates me how decisions are made. You just might get the knitting project completed if you have too much time waiting.
I loved being on a grand jury - it was fascinating to see the process in action. But petit jury - I don't think I can be neutral, since my son is a criminal defense att'y and I have been influenced too much by his experiences and opinions over the years.
Gloomy, indeed ... but your fabric!! Must be one of the cheeriest yet!! Can't wait to see what new creation you make with these!
I love jury duty! The process is long and dull at times, but getting called in for the selection process always fascinates me...I've never served on a actual jury though...I always get eliminated :(...and then in my former day job I sat in on court proceedings quite a bit...it just fascinates me how decisions are made. You just might get the knitting project completed if you have too much time waiting.
I loved being on a grand jury - it was fascinating to see the process in action. But petit jury - I don't think I can be neutral, since my son is a criminal defense att'y and I have been influenced too much by his experiences and opinions over the years.
So ... did you ever finish the knitting project? Do you enjoy knitting? What kind of wool or yarn do you prefer?
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