So I went around to the front, looking for seasonal encouragement. The crocus was gone and the little daffs are up - so that might be a good sign.

A little history...or mystery.On another subject, let me introduce you to Mr. and Mrs Yockenfloss.

That is not their real name: I don't know their real names. But I do know their photo was taken by Carl Lemke in Wausau, Wisconsin and they are probably younger than they look. I HATE not knowing anything about them. He is handsome under all that fuzz and he is wearing what looks like some kind of Maltese cross in his lapel. Blue eyes, I think. I guess around the turn of the century - but could be earlier. If these people look like any of your relatives, let me know.
Some years ago I posted a picture of my favorite couple on my blog and got an e-mail from a woman in Ohio who swore the man was her relative.(I had bought the picture in an Ohio antique market). She sent me a picture of the rest of her great-grand uncles or whoever the were and I swear, there was one in the picture who could have been the same guy or his twin. I sent her a scan of my photo but couldn't bear to part with it.
In the meantime, I googled the name of the photographer who took this picture and found that his wife's name was Ulrika and that his children had compiled a little family history, which consists mostly of pictures. Many were made by their father, a professional photographer or by their brother, Carl Jr. who became the family photographer. It is the story of their parents, youthful German immigrants. Carl landed on Ellis Island, unable to speak English and with only five dollars in his pocket, while the teenage Ulricka began life in the New World as a cook in a Wausau hotel at $4 a week. But I can't find any reference to WHEN, and of course, nothing to tell me who these people are. Sad.
Comments would be welcome; there is nothing more depressing than NO comments...whine, whine,whine.