I did not poke my nose out the door either yesterday or today, and I may not go out tomorrow either. So what could I possibly have to write about? The wild turkeys, barking like dogs outside our door? My husband said there was a herd of them behind the house; I didn't think herd was exactly the right term, but on second thought,these monsters are so big and ugly and NASTY -- and there were so many of them that maybe it fits. Somebody ought to eat them for dinner.
I could talk about this sign,which is one of my prized posessions. My parents liberated it from the bathroom door in their stateroom more than 50 years ago, when they went on a cruise. It hung on the inside of the powder room door in the house in which I grew up, and when my parents moved, I inherited it and it hung on the inside of MY powder room door until we moved to this condo. It never fails to make me smile, but I am not sure why.
I could talk about what I did all day, but you would fall asleep from boredom.
Or, I could wax eloquent about my lush, beautiful front garden. You can see how it is bursting into bloom.

But I will do none of the above. I will send you to look at more of Judy Langille's work, which Lisa Walton asked about. You can see more of it and read about it
here Enjoy it!
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