It more or less represents the way I feel after a busy medical week capped today by: 1) an hour on the phone with the idiots at AT&T (who were actually in some unnamed foreign country) in my third attempt to cancel my mother's long distance service on her Florida phone, which she has not used in a year 2) calling the oncologist's office to tell them they need to send their bill to my insurance company instead of to me if they want to be paid. 3) trying unsuccessfully to deal with my mother's account at Bank of America at two different branches (don't even ask about that fiasco!) 4) 2-1/2 hours in the endodontist's chair while he tried to do root canal on an infected tooth that still hasn't cleared up since Jan. I am now pumped full of antibiotics(oral and injected), novacaine, gin - and about to take some Advil. La-di-da. Let's hope the tooth gets better he can finish the job before I leave for Art Quilt Claremont.
On the other hand, there is another way to look at all of this in a positive way. I really accomplished a lot today. 1) I finally cancelled my mother's long distance service, which will save her $14.25 a month for the next thousand years. 2) I got the doctor's bill off my list and onto the insurance co's list of payables. 3) I developed a relationship with two branches of Bank of America. 4) I am on a different course of antibiotics which could clear up my infection. (The same la-di-da applies).
To make this art related, I do have a piece that is off the wall, pinned - sort of - and needs to be sewn together or fused or both. I've never been big on fusing, but there must be something to it because so many people use the technique. I have my certificate from that well-known School of Fusing, but I think I graduated at the bottom of the class.
Blogger keeps asking me if I am SURE I want to navigate away from this page, although I haven't told them I would like to do so. Maybe they know something I don't know, like I should sleep off the stresses of the week. And so to bed.(who said that?)
Rayna, I can relate to your days! My MIL is finally home from the hospital --- been there since 1/31. I went to bed last night at 6:30 and slept until 5:30 this morning. But I am ready to tackle the world now! LOL
Wow! What a week! The funny thing is that a friend was ranting today that Verizon keep turning her long-distance service OFF without being asked to do so! maybe she and your Mom could trade services!
Oh, I can relate, too. Won't go there, but paperwork and details and phone calls are all difficult enough...when you add trying to keep up with another household the stress is enormous.
I love the way you turned the negatives around and looked at the positives! Thanks, Rayna, I need to change my outlook!
I'm sure it's Shakespeare, but I'm unsure whether it's:
the beginning of Hamlet's sylliloquey "to bed and so to sleep.. to sleep perchance to dream." or if it's the Queen of the Fairies from the end of Midsummer Night's Dream.
Sorry for your week, but I giggled through the entire post. Love the batik'ed and discharged piece.
I wondered where you were!! I missed you. I went through the ATT runaround once trying to cancel long distance. Those guys have traction!!
Can't wait to be with you in Bezerkeley next month. So you better be in top form.
Take care and fell better.
Rayna, I really like this piece. It's as if it has been back-lit. Very nice.
And thanks for the heads-up on the workshop you'll be holding 3/2008 at the PC. I'll be registering for it when it becomes available.
I love that piece, Rayna... and sorry to hear about your awful week. I had that same problem with a tooth last year so I know what a pain (sorry!) it is...
Did you get the quilt photo I sent you, by the way?
Teeth AND telephones AND banks AND more. Sounds like AT&T is there on the list with QVC and the Home Shopping folks in being unhelpful to relatives. My sympathies and I hope the next week is better.
Rayna: Your new piece is fantastic! It glows as if it's lit from within.
I feel for you; you've had a tough week. I hope the worse is behind you.
Love it! Sorry Rayna honey, you just made me chuckle. It was a cute rant, I hope your infection clears up quickly. I spent over $10,000.00 over a course of 3 years on one tooth that 2 different dentists & an endodontist were trying to save. Ended up pulling the darn thing out! Wish they would've pulled it in the 1st place! Good luck!
Macbeth. To bed, and so to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream...
I love this piece Rayna is it the b B&W piece you showed in an earlier post,
sorry about the problems but liked the positive take on it,
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