Of course, the kitchen won't be finished till the backsplash is done - my continuing saga, which nobody wants to hear about. Even I am throwing my hands up in despair.

Yesterday, back at the studio(yes, Tall Girl, twice in one week) my studio mates suggested I take one of my fabrics and have it made into tiles. Great idea, but I'd have to intersperse them with bought ones because it is somewhat pricey to make your work into 25 sq. ft of tile. So last night I brought home a couple of pieces to audition them for color. These two have that blue-gray, plus the other end of the spectrum. I am really needing warm colors in that cool kitchen. It is a serene place, but it needs some punch! Too much serenity will do me in - LOL.

Hi Rayna-- somehow your feed dropped off my rss and I've missed hearing your news. The kitchen looks great. I LOVE the tile idea. Susie
It looks fantastic. I second Terry's recommendation to check out Pratt and Larson here in Portland. They have wonderful stuff.
Yes, I'm with Susie about your blog being dropped off of my feed too! It suddenly dawned on me that I wasn't hearing from you! ;-/
LOVE the way your kitchen has turned out...and the tile idea is too cool!
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