but I love this view of the same piece, taken without a flash.
to be continued in the morning.

My personal favorite was an installation called Us in a Box by the artist Evonne Davis. This was only one piece in a huge installation on the floor of railroad spikes arranged differently in boxes of different sizes, filled with sand. I couldn't get a picture of the whole installation unless I flew above the show and my other pix came out fuzzy (what else is new?)-- but the variation and harmony (and "repurposed" found objects, of course) spoke to me. .
more art...
Ah - an interactive installation: a hair braiding lesson chages the look of the art.

What a great environment for art and experiments! It is the gap between old and new (when the new things are becoming establishment) which is such a fertile ambiente. I was true for the place I lived in from 1983-2002. I'll show some of it. And so is Berlin. Wonderful! I'm curious for more.
Lots of hard work for sure, but what a great space! I love that piece by Debby Ugoretz......thanks for showing it twice. Looking forward to seeing more.
Wonderful - thank you for sharing.
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