Sunday, September 06, 2009


I had to stop and think about what I did today because I honestly couldn't remember for a minute. Oops. Slipping, aren't we? Slept late and when our daughter-in-law Nancy arrived at 9:45 with Kayla and Alexander in tow while Ross played golf, I hadn't had my coffee yet. Just then, Todd (Marty's youngest) called to say he was en route to Faux News Network and would be on the program in a few minutes as a guest commentator. We watch so little tv that we had no clue where the channel was, now that everything is digital - but we found it and watched him. This afternoon I had planned to work but ended up cooking several meals ahead of time, hoping I don't have to do this again for a couple of days. Later, while I was grilling dinner on the deck, there was some serious chomping going on a few feet away.There were two more at the edge of the woods - geesh! They didn't even run away when I yelled at them to scat (or whatever you say to deer). Vamoose? Get outa here? go away? It didn't matter - they behaved as though they owned the place. Did some more sewing together and filling in with the piece on the wall but I won't bore you with it tonight.


Eva said...

Obviously they did own the place, their ancestors being there first. Maybe soft speech might work like: "please, my deer..."

Nina Marie said...

Ohhh cool Rayna - didn't know you employed your very own mowing service. Of course up here in NW PA (where the first day of buck is a school holiday!)We'd say forget the lawn and call him dinner (grin).

Unknown said...

LOL neat deer, do they visit often?

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...