Thursday, August 19, 2010

the next day...

Tuesday night, Marlene, Susan Shie and I went out for a delicious Indian dinner and laughed a lot.  The waiter kept trying to take away the chutneys but we insisted they stay on the table while we nibbled on them through the meal.  Apparently not the thing, but we didn't care.  The waiter said we were confusing him - whatever that meant. LOL.  The food was excellent.
Yesterday's class session hummed along while everybody worked, going back into what they had printed day 1 and creating new cloth.

Sandra printed (above)and then made a ghost, which is often more interesting than the original because there is more texture.  Great to do when there's more paint than you need on the fabric.
Here are a couple more pieces from yesterday's class and then I'm off to the convention center again.
see you later!


Eva said...

I can understand the confusion of the waiter.
1. The ladies do not obey the rules that a man has explained.
And: Is their liking of the chutney
2. a compliment for the chutneys
3. a suspicion against the main dish that probably will need some extra spice?

Time to teach him about flexible service.

essay writing said...

Thanks for the article. Very interesting.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...