Friday night I went to my nephew Oliver's art opening at a gallery in Chelsea. When I was teaching in Colorado, he called me to ask some advice about doing batik on silk. He had done a little batik in Bali recently and was not happy because the dye was not spreading the same way as it had in Bali. Nonetheless, these two pieces were drop-dead gorgeous -- from an artist self-taught in batik.
The rest of the works were drawings with sumi ink. All were very spiritual.
Here is a detail from the green piece; the red is even more amazing but I didn't get a close-up of it.
Here I am with my sister-in-law, Irène Halsman, Oliver's mother -- a talented artist and wonderful photographer in her own right.
In the other room there was a wonderful exhibit by a ceramic artist whose name I neglected to write down. These are just a few of the pieces - very cool work!THE HIGH LINE
The gallery was on 20th street. I got off the subway at 23rd street and walked the High Line down to 20th St. What a delight! The High Line was built in 1930 as part of a project to get the train off the streets: it used to be elevated train tracks. Long story short - when it was going to be demolished in 1999 , Friends of the High Line lobbied to save it and turn it into a park. It is unique -- and it was about 10 degrees cooler and there was a breeze. Here is the High Line when it was being used. By 2006, the old HIgh Line had been turned into a park! I took lots of pictures as I strolled. Those dark lines to the left are the old tracks, still there.
There were kids eating ice cream, people relaxing and reading,
and gawkers like me with cameras. Wild flowers grow everywhere. I love the landscaping - this echoes the railroad tracks.What is this contemporary-looking sculpture?
When you get close and look at its partner on the left side of the walk, you can see - a bird feeder!
signs of autumn?
More tomorrow.