Wednesday, April 20, 2005

club sandwich

Originally uploaded by raynag.
I unearthed this piece, made in 1999 and it made me smile. It was my version of the primal scream about being a member of the 'sandwich' generation - no doubt a way to process a particularly frustrating day! It was going to be a quilt, but never made it to that stage. Maybe someday. Looks like I did it in water-soluble markers and then spilled water on it. Or maybe they were tears.

As I read the membership requirements for Club Sandwich, here they are (amended for 2005). Please feel free to add your own in the comments section.
1. Members must have at least one parent and one child. and no reliable siblings.
2. Parent no longer drives.
3. Child is a daughter who is employed.
4. There is a grandchild under 5.


Debra said...

parents must live across town and normally book their appointments without regard to commute traffic.

lizzieb said...

Parent lives at least 30 minutes away. Of course, parent has multiple doctor appointments, never on the same day. Grandchild is really cute and a real time waster and lives too close. But ya gotta love em all anyway.

PaMdora said...

I like this piece, it's a lot of fun. When I went to the bigger photo I could read the part about "bonus points" and it made me think this would be a great board game parody.

PaMdora said...

I like this piece, it's a lot of fun. When I went to the bigger photo I could read the part about "bonus points" and it made me think this would be a great board game parody.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...