Meantime, I have finished for the day and am going upstairs to wash the stuff in the dishpan and get ready for the next round.
The question is: is it necessary to have a 'big idea' before you make a piece of work? I personally do not think so. We each have our very individual styles and while some people know in advance what 'big idea' they are going to be exploring, others of us simply let the materials and the mood lead us in a direction. Either way, it's okay. Life is too short to worry about it.
Sorry I didn't get a picture of Linda's wonderful piece, Joanie's new work, or Mary Beth's amazing 3-d in progress. But you can catch everybody's work on their websites &/or blogs.And I unearthed this photo which I had bought in Asheville and which was buried under STUFF. Aren't they lovely? Another happy couple.
On another note - before I went away, I was experimenting with wax again. I had this wonderful little corrugated shopping bag and I coated it (and the contents) in paint and beeswax. More or less a piece of encaustic sculpture.
Now if I could only find another corrugated shopping bag, I could do a series. But I have never seen another one and no supplier on the Internet that I have found, has such an item. So it will have to remain one of a kind.
The next shot, of fabric I printed yesterday, gave me rather a shock.
Have you had that experience? I must admit it weirded me out.
On another subject, before I retire for the evening. My cousin sent me an e-mail with a link that is exactly what I needed today. You need it, too.
If you always thought you could paint like Jackson Pollack try this>>>> Jackson Pollock by Miltos Manetas Just remember to click your mouse now and then to change colors. This is FUN!! Enjoy it.
There hs been some (not enough,as far as I am concerned) discussion about 'art' quilts and whether they are, in fact, good art.
DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...