Wednesday, April 18, 2007

home again

Blogger is not letting me upload pictures tonight, so words alone will have to do. The week was very special on all levels - my students, seeing all the art unfold, meeting those of you in person I've been talking to here and in e-mail and feeling as though you are old friends; meeting new friends, etc. etc. and ETC. I just walked in - it is almost midnight eastern time, and the refrigerator is empty. I am eating matzoh and peanut butter:so much for gourmet meals. It is drizzling here and in the 40's and some local roads are still closed due to flooding. I think I will stay home tomorrow. hugs to all.


Shirley Goodwin said...

Welcome back! It's great to spend time with inspiring creative people, isn't it?

His Office, My Studio said...

I have been reading a few of your students blogs and they all said you and your class is outstanding.

When my refrigerator is empty I eat matzoh and butter. Sometimes if I have eggs I make fryed matzoh.

soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...