This morning dawned overcast, muggy, and cool -- a strange combination. I am sewing this morning and will finally get to the hair salon this afternoon, much overdue.
I was going to blog last night but once I turned on NY public radio to listen to the convention, I resorted to cutting fabric so I could pay attention to the radio. I don't watch TV so this was really the first time I tuned into the goings-on; I didn't think I should miss tonight's acceptance speech. I am glad I didn't. Obama was brilliant and while he spoke, I was a college student again, transported to Boston Garden in the fall of 1960, riveted by Jack Kennedy as he ran for President. Here is the campaign button I bought that night - it has never left my bulletin board.
How I feel today is less about politics than about hope and change and renewal -- and a sense of connection - - something Laura c-w spoke about so eloquently this past week. And through it all, an overwhelming sense of mourning and the loss of our collective innocence.
Enough said. I need to attack the pile of almost-done pieces that are piled on the chair waiting to be stitched. But before I go to work, I wanted to post a few examples of what I printed while I was standing at the booth in Ohio, playing and talking to shop owners. Pool noodles, sequin waste, stencils,stamps, blue tape. What fun! Paint and Shiva Paintstiks.I was a little limited with materials but it was fun, anyway. Now, time to get down to work.
I have campaign buttons on my blog today too. I envy your Kennedy button. Sigh. I feel so old when I think of those days, but I have sure thought about JFK a lot during the convention this past week. Cried over Teddy Kennedy--the last of the brothers and never my favorite, but he did his family proud in the end.
I share your memories!
Fun work in progress. Judy sent me some sequin waste. I have to use it - maybe today to finish my SDA auction donation.
I have campaign buttons on my blog today too. I envy your Kennedy button. Sigh. I feel so old when I think of those days, but I have sure thought about JFK a lot during the convention this past week. Cried over Teddy Kennedy--the last of the brothers and never my favorite, but he did his family proud in the end.
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