It's hard to tell which day it is when you have a long weekend. It sure felt like a weekday to me after I spent 2 hours and an amount I would be happy to win in the lottery at the supermarket. I was out of everything: even onions, so you can imagine! And of course, the place was mobbed.
Marty didn't believe me when I told him there was stuff I didn't buy, but it's true. Among the things I did buy were lobsters at $5.99/lb - a bargain too good to resist, even though they were 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 lbs. I bought four of them and steamed them all tonight. We ate two, with corn and home made coleslaw. The other two are Tuesday's dinner: my husband would rather eat cold lobster than anything. Tomorrow, I will try my son's sparerib recipe - the one he swears by. We will be home again.
The weather here has been the most gorgeous Labor Day weekend I can remember: usually it gets cold and rainy and ruins the end of the summer. This is perfect weather. Nonetheless, I am keeping my friend Claire and all the other people fleeing N.O. ahead of the storm in my heart. I hope they all get to safe places.
I have a pile of pieces that need to be stitched. And this one, which I printed tonight while listening to the hurricane reports.
Lots of possibilities here but I'll deal with them tomorrow.
P.S. Just in case your brain needs a little waking up - here's a little challenge my alter-ego Rayna from Dallas sent me. It takes an average of 5 tries to get it right. It took me 4. How'd you do?
OK. I am not kidding when I tell you that I printed the exact same design yesterday. Mine is rows of rough, irregular lines in swirls of brown and yellow on a more brightly colored hand-dyed cloth. It's hanging in the studio. I'll try to send you a picture or bring it with me to NY. Very weird.
My first thought was you printed the grate from your air condioner vent. Love it.
For the challenge it, too, took me 4 tries. On the 2nd try I went back and read the directions real slowly then messed up the minute I got to the test. 4th time was the charm though. Funny one.
LOVE that piece of fabric! What can I say. I would put it under my pillow and sleep with it.
The test was really disconcerting! But I must have a hairtrigger switch from right to left brain. Got 88% on my first try. 100% on the second, but I felt like I had a knot in my brain.
I love this piece Rayna - on the screen it looks almost three dimensional, as though it is pleated -love the palette too.
Cheers - Hilary, in Australia, where it is the first day of spring!
I agree with Hilary. Lobster looks divine. I would love some. One thing I miss out here.
It took me 3 tries. I got 0% (obviously totally missed the instructions), 75% and 100%
Not bad for an old, tired lady.
OK. I am not kidding when I tell you that I printed the exact same design yesterday. Mine is rows of rough, irregular lines in swirls of brown and yellow on a more brightly colored hand-dyed cloth. It's hanging in the studio. I'll try to send you a picture or bring it with me to NY. Very weird.
My first thought was you printed the grate from your air condioner vent. Love it.
For the challenge it, too, took me 4 tries. On the 2nd try I went back and read the directions real slowly then messed up the minute I got to the test. 4th time was the charm though. Funny one.
I didn't try the challenge: it's late and I'm really tired.......maybe manana.
I love, love, love that piece! Maybe I should try printing during NO hurricanes?
No fairs posting pics of luscious lobsters! I don't know when I had my last lovely Maine lobster..........
LOVE that piece of fabric! What can I say. I would put it under my pillow and sleep with it.
The test was really disconcerting! But I must have a hairtrigger switch from right to left brain. Got 88% on my first try. 100% on the second, but I felt like I had a knot in my brain.
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