I promised to blog again last night but got so involved in my random strip quilt on the wall that I was bleary-eyed, not to mention too tired to make something up about my boring day yesterday! I went to the studio for a couple of hours and made some screens for deconstructing , which should be dry by now. And I puttered around on the wall without really accomplishing anything before I had to leave.
Remember this? It was the core of the random strip quilt I was starting to construct and it has remained my starting point, although everything around it has changed and moved and added/deleted. There have been so many versions along the way that I will just show you a few...and not necessarily in order. I think this is where I was when I decided to take it apart because I had another idea. So, out came the seam ripper. There were too many plain strips and they needed to be divided up.
Here is how it looked sometime last night, when I had constructed some new blocks and was moving along. It's like putting a puzzle together - except there is no picture on the box to guide you.Auditions galore for the bottom center block of the piece; here is one of them. My eyes went right to the dark purple square, which was too distracting. Out it went!After several more tries, here's where it stands now. I might be finished, for the most part. Now comes the construction, which for me is the hard part. Do I sew or do I fuse the edges to each other? Ick. Easier to sew, I think. These blocks are placed on the wal but won't necessarily fit together the same way so I know this will look different by the time all the blocks are sewn together. Just now, I turned the picture vertically and see that I might like it better as a vertical piece if I turn some of the other blocks... argh. The problem with being an off-the-charts iNtuitor (Myers-Briggs) is that you see the possibilities and sometimes, that just makes your life complicated. But now that I've seen this, I have to follow it up and see whether it works. So I'm not finished at all. Hoist by my own petard.Some of the blocks I made for this piece are giving me ideas for starting another piece - so this is a good thing. Is it distracting me from my main track or is this a new direction? Maybe both, maybe neither. On verra.
This quilt looks like what I love most to do: Take my camera and discover places I haven't seen before. If I could, I'd create a quilt that keeps changing after being finished.
LOVE this! I love the irregular, whonky shapes and the contrast of colors. It's amazing how it is so balanced visually for me... there is a lot going on yet I feel peaceful looking at it. Great work!
Rayna, Lovely piecing. Agree with the change out of the purple block. One other screams out to me, the black one, upper right, just to the left, on your first pic, looks like a pair of pants. Does that make sense?
Hey Rayna! I am digging this quilt. I really love the colors and the mixture of fabrics.
This quilt looks like what I love most to do: Take my camera and discover places I haven't seen before. If I could, I'd create a quilt that keeps changing after being finished.
LOVE this! I love the irregular, whonky shapes and the contrast of colors. It's amazing how it is so balanced visually for me... there is a lot going on yet I feel peaceful looking at it. Great work!
Wonderful quilt! It has an almost African look to it, except for the color palette, which is yum.
LOVE this quilt! and i agree with terry: it really has an african influence.
Rayna, Lovely piecing. Agree with the change out of the purple block. One other screams out to me, the black one, upper right, just to the left, on your first pic, looks like a pair of pants. Does that make sense?
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