aka taking my mother to the doctor. The upside was that I got to try out my husband's Kindle while I was sitting in the waiting room with her. Marty has been reading it off and on but I decided it was my turn and I finally started The Map Thief, which I downloaded months ago and haven't had time to read. I still prefer the feel of a book in my hand -- turning pages on a Kindle doesn't quite do it for me -- but it promises to be a good book, anyway.
Last night we went to see Julie & Julia and, yes, we loved it. I had recently read the autobiography Julia had written about her years in Paris with Paul, and this was the book on which the Julia part was based. The movie was quite faithful and captured its essence. Bless Nora Ephron's heart! I can't speak for the Julie part since I was not aware of her blog at the time, but the movie was a delight. Do not miss it!
A young woman in line at the ladies' room afterwards said she thought it was "cute" but it was clear to all of us who grew up with Julia Child from the 60's, that it was a generational thing. WE really connected because we watched the original shows and we cooked from her books as brides (or at least I did). I still use it.
Over the weekend I quilted a piece and am almost finished with it. Just have to finish stitching the last couple of inches on each side and then trim it to a relatively accurate shape & size.Despite Del's exhortation to just sandwich and quilt the horror I had on my blog the other night, I couldn't stand the little thing with its blue and orange squares. What WAS I thinking? So, out came the rotary cutter in an effort to change/improve it.So far, I don't see a great improvement: maybe none is possible. It might end in the trash after all, but at least I will have tried. I'll be documenting its progress (or lack thereof) for my own amusement. You can skip right over it and I won't be the least insulted.
Hey Rayna- why not continue your "3's": it is a 9 patch (3x3) with three cuts... add 3 borders, cut three times horizontally... print the number "3" on it somewhere,you get the idea...
I was thinking the same as Eva: perhaps exchanging a few parts. I also took my Mom to the Dr yesterday. The most challenging part for me, is getting her wheelchair in and out of my car's trunk! Mom is always a delight, and both she and the Dr's staff are forever exclaiming that they all cannot believe she is 92! They all wear me out!
It has parts that should reward salvaging efforts! Some more cuts, some exchanging of parts?
Hey Rayna- why not continue your "3's": it is a 9 patch (3x3) with three cuts... add 3 borders, cut three times horizontally... print the number "3" on it somewhere,you get the idea...
perhaps if you give it a dip in a dye bath...would definitely change the perspective.
Would you consider s few diagonal cuts and inserts?? It might help.
Oh, this was just the first step - I'll go where my impulses take me - I never know what's next!
I was thinking the same as Eva: perhaps exchanging a few parts.
I also took my Mom to the Dr yesterday. The most challenging part for me, is getting her wheelchair in and out of my car's trunk! Mom is always a delight, and both she and the Dr's staff are forever exclaiming that they all cannot believe she is 92! They all wear me out!
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