Earlier today, I took the on-line quiz "What's Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?" and got the result: ENFP (Extraversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perception). What this quickie result does not tell me is that I am borderline I/E and could just as easily come out as an Introvert on a different day. But this will do because it's the NF that counts.
You are warmly enthusiastic and imaginative. You see life as full of possibilities. You make connections between events and information very quickly, and confidently proceed based on the patterns you see. You want a lot of affirmation from others, and readily give appreciation and support. You are spontaneous and flexible, and often rely on your ability to improvise and verbal fluency.
Went to the dreaded supermarket, spent a small fortune and came home with -- what??? Spent the rest of the day (and night) doing you-know-what. Here is tonight's wall as it evolves.

I agree very much with the landscape idea in one of the former comments. Although finding features in an abstract composition distracts from enjoying the very shape&colors. Seems to be working when turned 90° as well.
No. Doesn't work when turned. Not at all. I tried it.
I'm a fellow ENFP, and cannot ever imagine you crossing that line to introvert. You LOVE sharing your beautiful artwork and techniques too much. Will email you later this week about a 2010-11 lecture/workshop at GSQ. I love the piece thus far, particulary the touch of orange.
I love this composition, I can see fences and gates popping up in there.
I see water in this one. Debra's blog post must make you feel like a goddess. Inspiring so many to take the step into "what if" world.
Sorry about your hand--what a bummer
You guys are too funny! I was going to put a caveat telling you not to tell me what you saw but I figured it would be useless.
Interesting to me how many of "us" (that would be fiber art bloggers) are ENFP or INFP (I am the INFP variety) You are right, that introversion/extroversion is not the most important part. It's a sliding scale IMO. Somedays I feel much more exro than intro and some days it's the other way.
no, I cannot imagine you as an 'I' either. I spend most of my time being an 'I', but every so often slide on over to the 'E'.
I just had to hope in and tell you how much I love your blog! :D
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