I am still recovering from baking 4 pies and making a quinoa salad. We all went to Jeremy and Anne's for a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner and are home now, exhausted and stuffed to the gills. I have not been able to move from this chair. The pies stayed with Jeremy & Anne Marie. Here are the requisite pix of David, who turns 9 on Dec. 1

Jake, who is 6 going on 20
and my mother, who perched her gin & tonic on her walker while we waited for dinner.
I am heading for bed after a hectic week. I had a cancelled subscription to the blog the other day and the reason given was "too many updates." Maybe the real reason was "too many boring posts." I hope you all had a busy and happy day, even if you weren't celebrating Thanksgiving.

I don't find family news and photos boring, it makes me feel I know the writer better, because she has chosen to share some of her personal life and thoughts with me.
And in the case of well-known fibre artists who make stuff I can only dream of, the personal touch makes them seem less intimidating, more 'like me'. Maybe I can do good stuff too...
Thank you for being you and being a friend. Your daughter is gorgeous!! Hope she stays healthy and strong.
Happy Thanksgiving. Heading off to bed quite stuffed, but had to check in on all my friends first! Your grandchildren and children are all so beautiful!
Rayna you are never boring! Beautiful family photos. Wishing you and yours a relaxing weekend.
Hey Rayna,
Just keep being yourself, don't change a thing!
Your blog is unique.......keep it that way.
Always a good read.
LuAnn in Oregon
Formerly of North Plainfield, NJ
Don't change - I love to see the person behind the artwork.
I love your blog, and miss when you aren't able to post! However, I don't subscribe because I get too much e-mail as it is, so I have you in my faves. That way I can browse without having to search my overflowing inbox... I know right where you are! Glad you had a good T-day, and I echo Gerrie... prayers that your daughter stays healthy! I'm sure bedrest isn't the most fun... maybe she needs to take up a 'bed' hobby... reading, knitting, needlework?
Oh Rayna, Please don't take that cancelled subscription seriously. Your blog is great and we love reading about your travels and adventures.
Wishing lots of luck with your family. There is nothing boring about your blog... I always look forward to reading it.
Hope Jessica stays well. It's nice that she can work from home...will keep her from being too bored! Your Mom looks great and the boys are adorable! I for one am glad that you post so often as it keeps me amused, enthused, and on my toes! Don't ever stop!
Jake looks just like you!
I don't take any of those followers or subscription links seriously. If I did, it would be just like HS: last one picked for the volleyball team!
Well, I enjoy hering about your latest happenings - that's what I enjoy about blogworld.
And, yes, I'll join your Mom with a G&T with a slice of Lime, if you don't mind :^)
Happy Thanksgiving, Rayna- and thanks for sharing a bit of your family with us. Your daughter is lovely, I hope she continues to do well and the baby is fine. It is nerve-racking, isn't it!
Too many updates? Someone doesn't get the whole point of a blog!
I agree Helen! the blogs i like the most have frequent updates :-)
A beautiful family.
You can never do TOO MANY updates to your blog in my opinion. Someone must have been having a bad day.
Oh no! Never too many updates! Keep it up (though you must be an endless fount of energy and creativity to do so!)
I admire your energy! And love to read about your life. Now you have to take care of so many people, all the best for the coming member of your family and the young mother!
Jessica looks wonderful, the whole family looks good - what a wonderful day you had. As your mom, what better use for a walker than as a handy perch for necessary items - grin-.
all positives coming your way (and to the handsome and charming mr. G as well)
p.s. I wish I had the daily blogging habit! perhaps I should try harder?
i already told you how much your blog meant to me at the darkest time of my life. Every day I could sign in to read about and see some creativity and beauty that would bring a bit of light to my day.
Thanksgiving was a work day for me - a very, very difficult one - and today I get to see a glowing daughter (and I miss mine a lot), smiling grandchildren, and a beaming mother complete with the requisite gin!
Thank you! And know that while someone might think there are too many updates, someone else is hoping for another one to help get her through another day.
Poor Jake, having his birthday so close to the holidays. In most cases, this means less presents and attention...
Wonderful kids, I forgot to say in my 1st comment.
Hi Rayna, I must say the photo of your mother with her gin and tonic steals my heart! I hope when I'm 92 someone will love me enough to hand me a glass of something as fermented!
I hope your daughter stays pregnant for a while longer, and I'm glad you're there to help her out.
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