My crazy/busy week got even busier, but most of it was good. I had company for dinner one night and today I was out for lunch, catching up with an old friend. Spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the E.R. with my mother, who had fallen and been sent for x-rays. Nothing broken - she's an amazingly resilient 94 year old. But she banged up her knee and will not be walking much for the next week or so.

When I got home from the hospital, therapy sewing!! I've feeling a bit deprived after reading the UFO fun that's going on at Karen Musgrave's blog and at Kathie Briggs' blog. So while I didn't have time to start from scratch, I did find time to sandwich and stitch this small top I made from that horrible block on the left (or one like it, but all gingham). Not quite finshed, but close enough to make me happy. Maybe the facing tomorrow...
I've also got something else on the wall that I put together pretty easily from all the leftovers in my box. It isn't finished and I think I will have to take it to my studio to decide what comes next.
It was a busy end of the week so excuse the brief post, but I am off to get my beauty sleep.
Karen and Jim became good friends in the 80's in Aruba. We had a quilting group there and have remained friends throughout the years. I have always supported and admire her work and we are in contact. Her idea is great. I will be joining. Isn't it gratifying how positively it has impacted people's creativity Sounds like lots of people are having rayna days.
Healing to your mom.
Love the piece. I have one in the soon as my grand daughter returns to Baltimore I will get back to it.....
Supposed to say Karen and I......that auto correct!
Love it!What size is it? Hugs, Karen
Love the new work! (I actually LOVE that Horrible block too!) LOL! Glad your mother is ok!
The piece is about 14x18 - not faced yet.
Victoria, all I see when I look at that other block, is a swastika. They all have to go. Were part of a whole bag full of blocks and I didn't look at all of them or I never would have bought these.
Yes you are absolutely right. Chop the swastikas! -- What a different approach to quilting now and then! In the past, quilters were satisfied to create a regular pattern out of their selveged fabrics, and I wonder what a 1940 quilter would have said about your latest work -- a lovely piece, by the way!
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