Tuesday, August 30, 2005

on the other hand...

Yesterday's auditioned fabric, as much of an improvement as it was over the previous one, still didn't do it. 1) Helene's fabric needs another setting in which to shine, and 2) this piece just didn't look like my work. It needed a background with more complexity: the messy fingerprint that identifies it as mine. My crit group (now known as Studio 6) was here today. As I was doing show-and-tell with my recently minted batiks, one of them (the fabrics, not the people) jumped up and said "me! me!" So we tried it and lo and behold -- it works! Initial makeover is on the left. Feels better already.

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soup weather in June and a little more

DISCLAIMER: Blogger is giving me grief tonight, which you will see by the varying sizes of the type. Ye p, soup weather and it's ...