It's Sunday and finally have a minute to breathe before the airport shuttle comes. I was so busy teaching that I had almost no time to shop. But I did have time to look at many of the quilt exhibits, which were quite spectacular. I loved looking at the Journal Quilts and was stunned to see both my name and my face included in two people's Journals. Mary McBride, director of the Atlantic Center for the Arts, made journal quilt portraits of a number of us who had taught there. Imagine my shock when I came upon THIS!
After being amused by Mary's quilt, I came upon Anne Datko's journals and was quite moved to read the statement about this lovely quilt. It's so exciting to see the fabric people create in my workshops actually be used in artwork!
Even more moving was Anne's piece that had been juried into Tactile Architecture. Fabric she made in the Printing with Found Objects workshop I gave at the Nimble Fingers Guild in Bethesda last Spring spoke eloqently in this gem of a piece. Anne, you should be so proud!

I generally don't take pictures of quilts and certainly wouldn't publish them on the Internet without the owner's permission. However, I will say that the Viking exhibit was a visual treat, as were all of the art quilt exhibits. I did notice that the pieces juried into both the Viking and other exhibits tended to be made in clear, bright, vivid colors. Hmmm...Well, I'll get this first report posted and get busy with the next one. Time to go catch the shuttle.
This is wonderful. It must be so gratifying to see your student's work!
And to be acknowledged as source and inspiration!
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