We all had a great time and everybody walked away with plenty of new ideas and a feeling of freedom to do whatever they wanted without worrying about 'should' or 'shouldn't.'In one of the exericses, I gave everybody a piece of fabric I had printed and wanted to see what each of them could do with it. No two were ever remotely alike, as you can see below.The fabric I gave out was the green and purple, cut into 6 pieces, all of which were slightly different because I had hand-printed it. #1 is Marlene's piece. #2 is Judy 's, #3 is Mary's, #4 is Barbara's and #5 is Connie's. Janet hadn't finished hers so it isn't here.

Looks like a good time was had by all! Great pic of you with Mary, by the way.
Just read Mary's account of the workshop and popped over here to see if you had any pictures! Hooray! I love seeing class examples. The workshop sounds like a blast, and I love seeing what other people do under various constraints.
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