Jump-starting Your Next Quilt was another spontaneous workshop with only ONE rule: No thinking allowed - just do it! Did we have a good time? You bet! Here are Lynn Smith and Jennifer Hill (with Betty Ford in the background) working quickly and spontaneously to make a small piece based on something, I don't recall what. Below is Betty Ford, the poster child for laughter and fun! One of the exercises we did was to interpret (interpret, NOT imitate) a photograph of something I gave to them. To the left of Betty's hand is a picture of an escalator and on the other side, her very spare, architectural interpretation.Above, Clara Russo's prodigious output with some pieces that might develop into a series. There is Mary Jane Russell with her jump-started original pieces, below. And then, Lynn and her wonderfully abstract interpretation of the photo below it. This was a new way of working for Lynn and she discovered how liberating it is to be spontaneous and create original work.At the end of the afternoon, I handed everyone a piece of my own fabric, printed just a few days ago with dye and soy wax. I wanted to see what they would do with it. Unfortunately, I didn't get pix of all of the pieces, but these will give you the idea of the range and originality when people are forced to do the unexpected. Cool!They are all so different.
#1 Clara # 2 Mary Jane #3 Pam Morris All in a creativity workshop's day! Their reward was to go shopping at the vendor displays. My reward was to put my feet up with a Starbuck's Frappachino (or however they spell it).
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